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#DareToBe Tweet Chat – Session: 042616

On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 the #DareToBe Tweetchat hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16) took place.
The #DareToBe topic was CHOICES

The following are Andrea’s ten questions and my answers.

Q1: A choice is _____________. #DareToBe
A1. A choice is having the option to take action or not taken after collecting data and forming a plan of action  #DareToBe

Q2: What/who affects your choices? #DareToBe
A2. The potential impact of my choices are what affect making them. Most times the good outweighs the bad.  #DareToBe

Q3: We often hear the words, “I have no choice.” Is that really true? Why/why not? #DareToBe
A3. Yes, sometimes outside forces dictate whether or not an employee can be kept on the payroll (see oil industry for more info) #DareToBe

Q4: Give examples of choices you recently made (one big, one small). #DareToBe
A4. Fired a customer because of the lack of respect and bad behavior by that customer. #DareToBe

Q5: Is there a difference between picking and choosing? Explain. (inspired by @GreenChileAdict) #DareToBe
A5. picking and choosing: I can pick berries but I can choose to eat them or not. #DareToBe

Q6: Why is it difficult for some people to make choices? #DareToBe
A6. Fear of the unknown. So many options = so many options to fail (or SUCCEED) #DareToBe

Q7: Does choosing mean that we can’t have it all? (Inspired by @StrategicMonk 5 seconds ago) #daretobe
A7. Reality is we can never have it all. When we get what we want we want more. (i.e., cell phone storage always at capacity) #DareToBe

A8: “Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.” Give an example. #daretobe
A8. Firing that long time customer. He always paid and brought in big projects but it had to be done. #DareToBe

Q9: What question may you ask yourself when deciding over A or B? #DareToBe
A9. Almost always it’s “what will the outcome be if I don’t choose A?” then ask for B. #DareToBe

Q10: The choices I make matter because _______________. #DareToBe
A10. The choices I make matter because the outcome will always impact someone’s life. #DareToBe

Q11: Tomorrow I will dare to choose ________________. #DareToBe
A11. Tomorrow I will dare to choose to be even more deliberate in my decision-making. #DareToBe

I invite you to join us on Twitter every Tuesday evening at 8PM Eastern / 7PM Central. Look for the #DARETOBE hashtag.

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IN THE NEWS: Sears Closures (a tale of transformation?)

On Thursday, April 21, 2016 Sears Holdings announced “it will close 68 Kmart and 10 Sears stores this summer in its latest move to cut losses.” (

Folks, the only question we should be asking is why are these “anchor” type stores (the big ones at the mall) closing when the economy is doing better and gasoline prices are relatively cheap?

Think about this: When gas prices are low people have more money in their pockets that can be used to spend at places like Sears. Overall, the economy appears to be moving in a positive direction.

The U.S.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 1.4 percent in the 4th Quarter of 2015 while positive is a slower pace than the 2.0 percent in the previous quarter. (

Heck, even real disposable personal income increased 0.3 percent in February 2016. No matter how you look at things, positive growth is still positive growth.

Realistically, I know all this can change on a dime but for now things are poised for a pretty good year. Also, I am not part of the Sears Holdings inner circle and will almost never know what the real reason may be for the closures. That’s alright, all this speculation is pretty good.

Also what exactly what kind of “transformation” is needed to make the organization “profitable”? Unless the organization is planning to open more specialized (niche) stores, doing the same old thing (only less of it) is NOT going to cut it.


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The Daily Dave #087 (21 April 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Thursday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The Daily Dave is a daily podcast about sharing what’s happening and how it is affecting our Business, Personal, and Social Media life.

In this episode, I talk about #TrainingThursday and Professional Personal Etiquette in the Workplace.

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