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New Article Now ONLINE! – Change is a Fickle Monster by David Guerra

Out now, my latest article for you. Titled “Change is a Fickle Monster”, I talk about how when you want to change change or at least do a little something on your behalf to minimize the impact of change you have got to be careful.

Change comes in many forms and in varying degrees of impact when you fail to respect the fact that change will do its own thing, you get exact what you deserve. Usually, what you get is change knocking you down and then running you over.

This quick read is also downloadable as a PDF.  To read this article: click here

Thank you,

David Guerra


blog Daily Challenge Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Video Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Friday February 10, 2017

You can make and control your own change

There will be times that change is based on you or something you did or are doing.

Then there will be times that change directly centers on you but is not of your origin or doing or control. No matter the cause or reason know that you can take control of that change.

Yes, it is not just rolling with the punches or riding the wave of change but you can directly steer that change in the direction you want it to go. Change while constantly moving it is dynamic. By dynamic I mean it can move around things, it can change course without any reason. You can do this. You can control change by getting out in front of it and directing the flow. You can do it. The trick is to do it.

You might not be 100% successful at first but after more and more practice you can steer just about any form of change in any direction. This time it is not just doing it but sticking to it long enough to masterfully control it.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra

blog Daily Challenge Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Video Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Thursday February 9, 2017

Change Affects Everyone

Since the inauguration of President Trump we have seen true evidence that change does affect everyone.

No one is immune to change. Accepting the fact that change impacts everyone is the first step to moving beyond the change and into the outcome as quickly as possible.

As I have said change is a constant so we are constantly moving from one change to the next to the next and so on. How can it not affect everyone? Remember no one is immune, the impact however might not be as extreme to one as it is to those that are directly affected by the change but it impacts you and me nonetheless.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra