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Developing Your Grit!

There comes a time when ALL leaders will face certain challenges. Not the everyday kind of challenges but those challenges that in the end will set you apart from the rest of the crowd; the pack. Those challenges are those that require you (as a leader) to step up and take the reins of the situation. People that follow you or will eventually follow you will see that you have the GRIT (courage and resolve; strength of character) to a leader worthy of their followership.

Developing your grit as early as possible is something that will most certainly benefit you for all the days and challenges to come. As a leader that has developed their GRIT also knows that those future challenges will NOT be easy nor will be difficult. They will be faced head on by that leader because she or he knows that the challenges must be addressed in the most direct and appropriate manner. Developing that GRIT allows leaders to see beyond the barriers and through the walls those unique challenges bring. Followers want a leader that is already working beyond the barriers long before the walls and barriers are breached. Leaders that have moved beyond those obstacles are the leaders that are continuously honing their TRUE GRIT and as always when it comes to being a better leader, a Walking Leader, honing your True Grit is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

Take a listen to episode 155 of the Walking Leader podcast as I talk about how as the Walking Leader you must develop your True Grit.