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Weekend Challenge #08 (03/14-15/2020) Go Outside


you weekend challenge has arrived

Listen to this weekend’s Weekend Challenge

Welcome To The Weekend. It is time for another challenge.

Welcome to your weekend challenge. This weekend’s challenge is another one that is simple to do but yet for some reason many find it difficult to do.


Yes, that’s it. Get outside. Let the sun hit your face. Feel that Spring breeze move across you.

I am not talking about going out and being around large groups of people. Especially in these trying times, large gatherings a no-no.

What I am talking about is go visit your backyard. Take a saunter across you front yard or be daring and drive out to a local park, find an area not being overly saturated with other human beings and go for a walk.

Being outside will do you a world of good. Getting a little exposure to the sun will help your body generate Vitamin D. That’s right, with the aid of sunlight your body makes Vitamin D.

In a nutshell, it works like this: Sunlight hits your skin, “the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur.”

Now, who couldn’t need a little extra Vitamin D? According to the WebMD website, there are an estimated 40-75% of people are Vitamin D deficient. That deficiency is associated with bone loss and osteoporosis. As people get older they spend less time outdoors, they tend to get less Vitamin D thus leading to bone problems.

But wait there is more. Vitamin D can aid in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and much more. Sounds not too shabby.

While I am all for making my own Vitamin D, the exposure to the sun should be at your discretion. I am find that 10 to 15 minutes several times throughout the day works. So limit your exposure but do enjoy your time outside.

Hear the bird chirp, watch the squirrels trying to get their nuts, look up and see the cloud that looks like Ireland and so on.

Remember, social distancing and Get To Work!

Thanks for your time,

Accountability blog Change Choice Decisionmaking Inspiration Leadership Leadership Principles Motivation

Weekend Challenge 03 (02/08.20): HOW AM I DOING?

you weekend challenge has arrived

Remember, we are supposed to be learning from out past. The choice we made can never be undone but those choices also serve to shape our future. For every action we take there is an outcome we may or may not like.

However, when we make what we perceive to be rational and sound choices then no matter the outcome we feel we made the right choice. Whether the outcome was what we expected or not. It is when we make hasty and rash decisions that are not worth the risk that…well we get what we deserve: a hasty, rash and unsound outcome. To avoid the outcomes that are not in our favor or not exactly what we expected we have to focus on being intentional with our decision making and be prepared to deliver on a decision that may sometimes not give us what we expect or want.

One way to be intentional in our future decision making is to review our past decisions. Please read carefully: TO REVIEW OUR PAST DECISIONS and NOT TO DWELL ON THOSE DECISIONS AND THEIR OUTCOMES.

Sadly, as I write this I know there are individuals that are going to only read the last seven words of the previous sentence and all that I am writing will go to waste (on them).

Good thing, you are not one of those that dwells on past decisions only to repeat making the decisions that CONTINUE to deliver the outcomes and expectations that are NOT what you expected or anticipated. As leaders, the only common thread to decision making is ensuring that whatever the decision it is something you will learn from and become better as a leader but also as a human being.

The weekend, is the perfect time to pour yourself a cup of coffee or a cuppa tea or a snifter of warm brandy or whatever you choose to drink, and reflect on the past seven (7) days.

Use this weekend to review the following and be HONEST with yourself:

  • What decisions were made?
  • What decisions did you not make?
  • Which decisions could have been better with more info?
  • Which decisions were made in haste?
  • Which decisions were made as a form of revenge (for example, I’ll show them)?
  • Which decisions changed your life for the better?
  • Which decisions changed your life for the worse?
  • How were your relationships made better by your decisions?
  • How were your relationships strained by your decisions?
  • Did the decisions you made have a negative impact on others?
  • Did the decisions you made have a lasting and positive impact on others?
  • NOW REALLY BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF: Did the decisions you made have a negative impact on YOU?

These questions are to be used solely to IMPROVE your future. The answers are yours and yours alone, you do not have to share them with anyone but you do have to think about them but not for too long. Thinking too long is where the dwelling begins and that is NOT a good thing.

In the answers, see what needs improvement, what needs to be removed, what needs to be modified and most importantly what needs to remain. However, this will only work if you are willing to be HONEST and TRUTHFUL with yourself. It can be difficult because there are far too many individuals that truly believe they do not need to improve but everyone around them does.

Thus, I challenge you to get rid of the bad, the nastiness, the bitterness, the sadness, the distrust, the anger, the destructive, scarcity mindset and yes WE all have them to some degree or another. In case you FAILED to read that right, I wrote WE which INCLUDES ME.

I Challenge You to be better, do better, because as an adult and leader, you already KNOW better.

I Challenge You to let the good, happiness, growth and the abundance mindset in, take root and grow inside you.

I Challenge You to find the way to let the best in you coming shining through. To be the best version of you that you can be.

This Decision Review Challenge is one that you must repeat every week. Repeat it so that you are constantly improving. This challenge is actually quite simple on the complexity scale of 1 to 10. I give this a 5. Five in that, it may be a bitter pill to swallow, at first, but once you find yourself asking and honestly answering these questions it will get better. I promise it will get better and you will become better. You become better because you are aware of your actions and behaviors.

You are better because YOU WANT TO BECOME BETTER.

Well there it is, YOUR WEEKEND CHALLENGE, now get to work!

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Positive Thinking; Just Start Doing by David Guerra (04/100)

positive thinking just startStill in that New Year, New You mindset? If you are good for you! If not, well that’s alright. You can still get back up on that horse. That “New Year, New You” mindset, is short lived. Some say it does not even last a full two weeks. It is my understanding that by the evening of the 12th of January the resolutions are out the window.


It happens. It happens to the best of us. It has happened to me and it has happened to you. If not yet then it is a matter of time before it does. Remember, as with most things it is not a matter if but when. However, there is one thing you can keep working for you: Positive Thinking.


Positive Thinking?


Yes, Positive Thinking. An optimistic attitude. Fostering optimism. Seeing the positive in everything and everyone around you is not just a good idea. It is good for you, all over. It is good for your body, mind and spirit. The power of positivity and being optimistic can make things happen. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote, “What your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Therefore, if it can conceive and believe positivity and optimism, then it will come to be.


When can you start Positive Thinking?


You can start right here, right now. There is no rule that says you have to start the next time something good happens. There is no rule at all, there are no restrictions, not prohibited in all fifty states and no purchase necessary. Yep, you start right now and it is free.


My recommendation is to start small. Then gradually increase your level of positive thinking. How you ask? Simple, start with one thing. One thing that you have historically been on the fence about, then move on to the next. It may take time but then again anything worth doing, maintaining and sustaining is worth doing in an intentional and deliberate manner. That will make sticking to it easier when things start to wane.


Then come the naysayers. There are always a few naysayers along the way. First off, forget the naysayers. You may have been one or under the thumb of one or two over the course of your life. Oh, don’t worry there will be more in your. Their negativity is not the way life should be. Know, whatever the reason for the negative baggage it is NOT yours to carry. So when others offer it, just look them in the eye and make sure it is coming from your heart when you say, “No, Thank you.”


Saying no to the negative and the negativity mindset of others means you are growing. Growing, in that you are recognizing that your priorities matter. Your priorities are being reshaped, redefined, especially when others have been imposing their priorities on you.


By taking those intentional and deliberate steps to increase your level of positive thinking, you are going to start doing and creating an environment of positivity. Eventually, like the negativity, your positive mindset will become contagious. As you are visibly seen achieving more based on the positivity you have created. Isn’t that what a “New Year, New You” is all about? I say it is.


Get started and stay started, all the while you are growing and improving. Kind of makes you wonder what “New Year, New You” will be all about in 2021 or if you will need it at all?


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Thank you,
David G. Guerra, MBA
email: [email protected]
twitter: @daveguerra
instagram: dave_guerra
facebook: thedavidguerra