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Bargaining & Change Management

00-changeThe world is full of change. Yet, too many want to ignore it by burying their head in the sand. Others roll over and let it happen. However, too few honestly and openly embrace change. When it comes to change having a Leader manage and direct change is not only expected, it should be demanded, as it will most certainly be a wild and bumpy ride.

Change management is possible when everyone has a suitable stake in the change. However, the problem in managing change comes from the fact not everyone can have an equitable stake.

This is where controlling the change becomes an issue. One man’s cake is another man’s cupcake and the two shall never be the same. In managing change. There can be only one taking the reins of change. Leading, managing, directing change is not negotiable otherwise without it there would be nothing, not even organized chaos. Without leadership and proper management of change, there is still change.

In this case, change would be in the form of stagnation or regression causing external stakeholders and outside influencers to observe the organization’s inability to grow and lack of satisfaction among internal stakeholders.

Change in the modern workplace must be based on suitability and NOT equability. Suitability on the organization’s need to grow so all stakeholders are active participants of the function of the operation and not become former participants.

Thus if any bargaining does exist or come into play it is the leader’s will to dictate and drive the bargain exclusively on suitability. Meaning in business, NOT all things are equal and sometimes the good of the organization must take precedence over the needs of the individual or the few. If business operations were solely driven by those not in a position to make business decisions on a strategic level then the business would fail as the tactical side of the functions of business would quickly find itself lacking support, chiefly logistical and financial then the rest would follow much like a line of dominoes falling.

While change is good, having an organization not afraid to make change based on the good of everyone is even better. An organization that values its employees and other stakeholders will most certainly make change happen faster and better after having considering all issues. Thus, the true bargaining was done long before change even started.

No matter where you on the corporate ladder you are and how you react to change is pointless. It is pointless, as no matter how hard you fight it, resist it, or ignore it change is already here and it is going nowhere.

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IN THE NEWS: Sears Closures (a tale of transformation?)

On Thursday, April 21, 2016 Sears Holdings announced “it will close 68 Kmart and 10 Sears stores this summer in its latest move to cut losses.” (

Folks, the only question we should be asking is why are these “anchor” type stores (the big ones at the mall) closing when the economy is doing better and gasoline prices are relatively cheap?

Think about this: When gas prices are low people have more money in their pockets that can be used to spend at places like Sears. Overall, the economy appears to be moving in a positive direction.

The U.S.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 1.4 percent in the 4th Quarter of 2015 while positive is a slower pace than the 2.0 percent in the previous quarter. (

Heck, even real disposable personal income increased 0.3 percent in February 2016. No matter how you look at things, positive growth is still positive growth.

Realistically, I know all this can change on a dime but for now things are poised for a pretty good year. Also, I am not part of the Sears Holdings inner circle and will almost never know what the real reason may be for the closures. That’s alright, all this speculation is pretty good.

Also what exactly what kind of “transformation” is needed to make the organization “profitable”? Unless the organization is planning to open more specialized (niche) stores, doing the same old thing (only less of it) is NOT going to cut it.


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The Daily Dave #087 (21 April 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Thursday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The Daily Dave is a daily podcast about sharing what’s happening and how it is affecting our Business, Personal, and Social Media life.

In this episode, I talk about #TrainingThursday and Professional Personal Etiquette in the Workplace.

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