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My 5 Predictions for 2018 by David Guerra

As with every new year come the inevitable predictions for what people believe will happen in that new year. So why not me? I have a voice, a platform, and a soap box. I have as much right as the next guy to be wrong.  I also have the same right as the next guy to correct in making my predictions for 2018.

Here are my top 5 Predictions for 2018.


All throughout my life I have heard people say, “Ad nauseam”, how they are doing things for themselves and for the better yet never actually work on it. When they see that others have caught them not delivering on those words they wait a while (usually until the heat (of being caught) dies down) and then come back swinging with the same old and very tired line.
I believe that 2018 will be the defining moment for many to step up to a new plane of thinking, believing, living and behaving. They will finally realize that by just saying the words nothing magical will happen. The only magic is the magic they make for themselves.
Making magic always has been and always will be through hard work. The kind of hard work that comes from thinking you are doing hard work only to realize you could do more. It is like believing you are giving 100% but come to find out you have another 10% to give. There is no such thing as giving 110%! There is the realization that you are shortchanging everyone by only giving 90% but claiming something more.
This is a long shot but I do believe that in 2018 people will start to measure their life on what they are DOING and not on their past.


A new world awaits all of us. Imagine putting on a headset and instantly you are standing in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. You are looking up then you look to your left and next to you is an old long lost flame. Someone you had no seen in years. You say hello and that long lost love looks at you and smiles. You catch up on your respective lives since breaking up so long ago. You do so feeling safe the two of you are not in Paris, physically you are at home, and your old flame is at home a couple of thousand miles away.

Next you are instantly transported to the great pyramid of Cheops. Now you are standing next to your significant other who also happens to be in the very next room and virtually you go off exploring one of the seven wonders of the world.

While we are not there yet, in 2018 Virtual Reality and/or Augmented Reality technology will take significant leaps and bound to make the previous two paragraphs a near reality. In 2017, the price of VR headsets dropped to a level that now any kid that mows a couple of lawns can afford her own journey to the foot of the Eiffel Tower or a train ride from England to France in the “Chunnel” (look it up). By Christmas time, we will start to see software packages that promise to take us on the tour of the Gobi Desert or we will swim through the reefs of the South Pacific Ocean. While we might not be completely convinced we are there but you just wait and see.

Oh, yes rest assured we are living in the future. A future where the line between science fiction and science fact become blurred with each passing day.


In 2018, people will focus more on making and participating in experiences. Fun, Travel, Adventure will rule the day in 2018. This will not be limited to millennials and the younger generations but everyone Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers. These experiences will not be limited to traveling halfway across the planet but down the street, the next town over and so on.

Additionally, the experiences will not just be solo adventures but as a collective. Friends, Strangers and Family members. Shared experiences creates a common bond. Soon strangers are friends. Family bonds are strengthen and friends become family. Yes, it works that way.

The change from hearing about it to doing will take a huge surge in 2018 and I do expect it to carry over to 2019 and beyond.


We already have Siri, Alexa, Google Home. Soon Microsoft will join the voice based artificial intelligence battlefield. Battlefield? In 2018, you smart phone, tablet, and voice device will become more intuitive and predictive. Imagine your smart phone telling you thinks like, “I see you are the grocery store, it has been two weeks since you purchased red wine, it might be time for a new bottle of Lambrusco” or recommending it is time for an oil change and presenting you the top three deals in your geographic area. That sounds pretty simple but as AI technology continues to advance so will the predictive capabilities of the system.

What I see is AI technology not only reminding us of upcoming anniversaries and birthdays but working with us to tell us the conditions exist that our automobile is facing a unique stress as gas mileage is low and then telling us that our diet is seriously low in potassium and a leg cramp is coming. Then things will only get better. However, at what cost?

For true PREDICTIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to work we have to give something up. We have to give up a bit more of our unique privacy. We have to allow the “machines” to go deeper into our lives. Are we prepared to give up more than we already have to have the unique “customized” experience that the future promises to bring?

5. People Will Evolve: (Because Change Said So)

No matter how difficult it is for people to want to change, they will change. Whether they like it or not, people will change. They have to change and 2018 will be no exception. However, what will be different this year, I see people will want to actively and purposefully seek out change. Why the active need to change?

We are well into the 21st Century and times are changing. Whether for better or worse, these times they are changing and attitudes are changing. When it comes to changing attitudes, the only way to do so is to get up and do it. As the world changes, it is those that refuse to change that will get left behind. Being left behind is not a good thing especially when

As we move faster and further into the 21st Century the only thing that will remain the same is change. 2018 and beyond will be nothing but change, for everyone. Now is the time to get to work because if you do come along for the great ride that 2018 is already promising to give all of use. I cannot wait to see what happens at the end of the year and witness, firsthand, how far or how close we get to the future.


As always, if you questions please feel free to reach out and contact me.

by David G. Guerra, MBA
Author of “The Walking Leader” and “Great To Follow”
twitter: @DaveGuerra
instagram: dave_guerra


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How I Find Time to Make Media

Somebody recently posted on Twitter, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door ~ Milton Berle”

Building that door takes time. Time is something that either we have too much of or not enough. No matter how you look at it, all of us have the same amount of time each day. We have the same 24 hours every day. It is what we do with that time that makes all the difference.

Most people don’t know that I produce/create three podcasts, a daily video project (YouTube & Facebook), a weekly sports talk video show and posting on twitter, as well as posting to Snapchat and Instagram (for three accounts). Also, I run my brother’s band’s website plus some other websites.

That is a lot and people ask how do I make time for all that especially there are people that can’t make time to do the laundry let alone do what it takes to create content.

Time Management. I know two words that are easier said than done. In my case, it was easier said than done. I thought “oh will get around to it” and nothing could be further from the truth. I never got around to it. I was not getting things done. As a matter of fact, it was feeling like I was going in reverse.

That is not a good feeling. Finally, knowing that creating media, creating content is something that has to be part of our lives, my life. I had to dive into the deep end. It was something that I had to make time for. I had to do it everyday.

At first, I started with a set time every day. It was 6:00 am. Yes, that early. Why six o’clock in the morning? Simple, it was a quiet time around the house, I was usually up by 5:30am and it gave me time later in the day in case something comes up.

Six in the morning worked. For some reason or another, I was getting it done. Then as things progressed I allowed myself to change venues to shake things up with the videos. Changing venues also meant changing the recording time. Now it was to be all said and done by 8:30am. It worked.

You know what they say in the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“? It takes 21 days to build a habit. However, what they don’t tell you is that it takes about 100 days to create a lifestyle. I can tell you, now I am well into my daily video that it is part of my life. I start to shake when I run late in putting out today’s content.

The only trick to finding time for video production/media and content creation is start doing it. Do it this moment. Do it right here right now. Then do it again tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after and so on. Keep doing it. Start with one video or one piece of media a day. Nothing fancy. Nothing over the top (save that for later).

However, just start and continue. That’s it. That is the secret. That is my secret. Just keep doing it, even if you don’t know what to talk about, that’s OK just start simple. My advice for beginners is talk about your day, what you had for breakfast, or something that caught your attention in this morning news headlines.

Get out there, do it daily, and the rest will take care of itself.

Dave Guerra
author of the Walking Leader and Great To Follow
twitter: @DaveGuerra
instagram: dave_guerra