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The Daily Dave #022 (27 Jan 16) by David Guerra

Welcome to Wednesday.
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”, and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I talk about the both sides of posting to social media. The good, the bad, and the ugly posts. It’s not all butterflies and rainbows people.

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The Walking Leader: Sunday Afternoon Prep (part 3) by David Guerra

Continuing with the third of the three part series on SUNDAY AFTERNOON PREP.

pens and 3x5 cards

Sunday afternoons are a great time to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Let me rephrase that, Sundays are the greatest time of the week to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Now, with being said, what do you do on Sunday afternoons to prepare?

Personally, there are several things that I do to prepare. I am going to share them with you over the coming weeks. I will break them down into their own groups to make it easier for me to write about them. Last week, I talked about ensuring you have a functioning writing utensil and paper at all times.

This week, I talk about the third thing I do to prepare for the work week. I spend part of my Sunday afternoons making three lists. Now while everyone has their own unique opinion about list, list making, and list makers there is still a great need for lists.

I make three lists: Urgent & Important, Not Urgent but Important and Filler.

Borrowing from the Four Quadrant used in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey, I like to use the top two quadrants to start my lists for the week.

Urgent & Important

This list includes those items that need to be addressed no matter what. For example, this week I must get my automobile’s annual inspection done before I can even think about going to get tags for the year. I should have no problem getting it the inspection completed, the trick is making time to go and get it done.

Not Urgent but Important

On this list I would put “Pay for vehicle tag” as this week this item is NOT urgent but it is important. If I do not do it this week next week it will move to the Urgent and Important list. The trick to this list is to not allow things to move into the Urgent and Important because you failed to complete them this week. So be careful with items on this list.


This third and final list is for those items that I can complete when I have some down time or between projects throughout the day. Typically, these are reminders for me to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. When to write a blog post, what day to do a podcast (I have three podcast) and anything else that I can fit in.

Now these are the three that work for me. Your experience will dictate what list or lists will work for you. No matter what you use there is one thing that cannot be denied writing things down cannot be beat and that’s non-negotiable.

Until next time,
David Guerra


blog Leadership Motivation Tips

Making A Weekly Contact List

When was the last time you made a contact list?

You know what I’m talking about. A contact list. A list of people you need to make contact with this week, next week, every week, ad infinitum.

No! I am not talking about the contact list you get from a Cold Call list. Those are nonsensical. This contact list is NOT about making cold calls. I am most definitely NOT talking about making warm calls either. I am talking about YOU making contact with people and talking to them. Just TALK! No sales, none of that nonsense. Just TALK!

You remember talking don’t you?

You dial up someone from your list, they answer, you say Hello, they say Hello, you ask “How are you doing?”, they answer you and a conversation is born.

Don’t talk about work unless they bring it up first. Of course, once they bring it up all bets are off. However, do not bait them into talking about work.

Just remember, that is NOT what the call was about. The call is ABOUT making contact. It is chiefly about calling and just talking about the weather, the family, next vacation or whatever other than work. That way the person you are calling does not always think you are only calling to make a sale. Also just checking in on people will make it easier for them to answer the phone the next time your name and number pops up on their caller ID screen.

They will want to talk to you (and that’s a good thing).

Who is on the CONTACT LIST?

Well, that is probably the simplest thing. EVERYONE!

OK, maybe not everyone in one sitting but do be selective.


Well kind of selective. It is easy. Do the following make a list of 20 people you will call this week. Next select 11 people that are NOT on your business contact list. Then fill in the remaining 9 with business contacts.Next week, repeat the process. Making absolutely certain that over 50% of your weekly contacts are NOT business related.

Now is the perfect time to make the contact list for this week. Do it and start making those calls!


P.S. Don’t be a chicken and send an email instead of making a phone call.