blog Change Ethical Behavior Ethics Leadership positive standards

The First Sunday

Image by <a href="">Stefanie Jockschat</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Welcome to the first Sunday of 2025. A day of rest? A day of reflection? A day of preparation? YES, YES, and YES.

This first Sunday should be the one that sets the standard for the remaining 50 Sundays. Yep, there are only 51 total for the year.

Setting Standards?

Standards are what keep you grounded. They help in getting you focused on what needs to be done and what you want to do. By addressing what needs to be done, you have a sense of accomplishment that you will want to repeat. Setting the standard now and adhering to it now, creates an expectation of wanting to repeatedly accomplish what you start and ultimately you will want to accomplish more. Then, over time, you get to incorporate what you want to do (Think Hobby Becoming A Passion).

Take the rest of today to work on the standards and get them set before the sun goes down. Do not delay. You will Thank yourself.

Thank you for your time,
David Guerra

— Follow me on Social Media —
X: daveguerra
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Facebook: thedavidguerra

blog Current Events Daily Dave In The News Podcast Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #067 (20 Mar 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Sunday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The purpose of the Daily Dave is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things.

In this episode, I talk about the 1st Day of Spring, Palm Sunday and all things today.

You can always follow me:

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Snapchat | Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat Periscope @daveguerra

Buy my books (paperback):

blog Current Events Daily Dave In The News Leadership Podcast Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #062 (13 Mar 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Sunday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The purpose of the Daily Dave is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things.

In this episode, I talk about March Madness in the workplace.

You can always follow me:

Twitter | Instagram | Facebook |

               Snapchat                |         Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat       Periscope @daveguerra

Buy my books (paperback):