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David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Monday February 6, 2017

Constant Change is here to stay.

Folks, change comes in many forms but you know this. Sometimes we need to be reminded that while we might not like all the changes that are happening all around us there is nothing we can do about it.

Remember it is not all gloom and doom there will be some of those changes that we really like. Then again, as experience tell us, some changes we will fight, resist, and completely dislike but in the end we like the change so much that we even wonder why we never had it in the first place.

Then there are those changes that involve loss or separation of a loved one. That is one change in life that we cannot change. Especially, if a loved one loses a battle with an incurable disease. We know it is coming but when it arrives it is sad but we search for the answer where there is no answer.

On the other hand, when the loss or change comes suddenly there is no time to get ready. That’s when you have to roll with the punches and know that in the end you stop rolling. Who knows you might just find out that you while you were rolling with the punches, you were rolling up that hill.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra

blog Daily Challenge Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Sunday February 5, 2017

Sunday February 5, 2017 – Take Time To Enjoy The Game

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Today is that one day out of the year that people stop for a couple of hours and enjoy the majesty of one of the greatest sports spectacles. Today all across this nation people will assemble to cheer NFL teams that have neither heard of or care for. That’s alright.

Sure there are those that will cheer for the underdog and those that will cheer for perennial favorite and I say good for them

Today is also the day that we, the non-fans of the teams that are playing, can stop and put our cares aside and just root for the game of football. Nothing more, nothing less.

Take today as an opportunity to enjoy why you are a fan of the game of Football. American Football as they call it overseas.

There is nothing wrong with just enjoying the reason you are a fan of the Houston Texans or Green Bay Packers or any other lesser team.

What I am saying is take the time today to just enjoy the time with friends, family, and strangers (if you are so inclined) and most of all. Enjoy yourself!


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra


blog Daily Challenge Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Saturday February 4, 2017

Saturday February 4, 2017 – Start Writing A 100-Word Daily Journal

100 words is about two paragraphs. Summarize the day. Just the Highlights. Good or Bad. Sad or Happy. It does not matter what matters is that you start chronicling your day.

Then one month from now go back and review what happened. Then six months. Then one year. You will start to see things, trends that you thought were never there or happening.

And it is right there that you can begin to make change. REAL SUSTAINABLE change.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra