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How I Find Time to Make Media

Somebody recently posted on Twitter, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door ~ Milton Berle”

Building that door takes time. Time is something that either we have too much of or not enough. No matter how you look at it, all of us have the same amount of time each day. We have the same 24 hours every day. It is what we do with that time that makes all the difference.

Most people don’t know that I produce/create three podcasts, a daily video project (YouTube & Facebook), a weekly sports talk video show and posting on twitter, as well as posting to Snapchat and Instagram (for three accounts). Also, I run my brother’s band’s website plus some other websites.

That is a lot and people ask how do I make time for all that especially there are people that can’t make time to do the laundry let alone do what it takes to create content.

Time Management. I know two words that are easier said than done. In my case, it was easier said than done. I thought “oh will get around to it” and nothing could be further from the truth. I never got around to it. I was not getting things done. As a matter of fact, it was feeling like I was going in reverse.

That is not a good feeling. Finally, knowing that creating media, creating content is something that has to be part of our lives, my life. I had to dive into the deep end. It was something that I had to make time for. I had to do it everyday.

At first, I started with a set time every day. It was 6:00 am. Yes, that early. Why six o’clock in the morning? Simple, it was a quiet time around the house, I was usually up by 5:30am and it gave me time later in the day in case something comes up.

Six in the morning worked. For some reason or another, I was getting it done. Then as things progressed I allowed myself to change venues to shake things up with the videos. Changing venues also meant changing the recording time. Now it was to be all said and done by 8:30am. It worked.

You know what they say in the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“? It takes 21 days to build a habit. However, what they don’t tell you is that it takes about 100 days to create a lifestyle. I can tell you, now I am well into my daily video that it is part of my life. I start to shake when I run late in putting out today’s content.

The only trick to finding time for video production/media and content creation is start doing it. Do it this moment. Do it right here right now. Then do it again tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after and so on. Keep doing it. Start with one video or one piece of media a day. Nothing fancy. Nothing over the top (save that for later).

However, just start and continue. That’s it. That is the secret. That is my secret. Just keep doing it, even if you don’t know what to talk about, that’s OK just start simple. My advice for beginners is talk about your day, what you had for breakfast, or something that caught your attention in this morning news headlines.

Get out there, do it daily, and the rest will take care of itself.

Dave Guerra
author of the Walking Leader and Great To Follow
twitter: @DaveGuerra
instagram: dave_guerra


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A Leader that makes it a habit to follow daily procedures is a leader that knows where he wants to go. However, the type of habit will get a leader faster or not at all. Make it a habit of asking and answering the following twelve questions every day. They are not difficult questions to answer, either you did or did not, a simple yes or no will suffice. If you are not already asking and answer one or more, if not all then, then it is time to start. Remember, to be honest with yourself.

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The Conversation Demands Dialogue To Make Change Stick by David Guerra

The national conversation has been going in many directions and that’s great. I truly believe that conversation should go in all directions. There should be conversation about every topic that affects everyone not just for this group or that group or that group over there but for everyone as a whole. The conversation, the conversation must be a two-way dialogue.

A dialogue, information going out information coming in. It’s not a monologue. Many people want the only word to come from their monologue. Many people are demanding changes through the monologue. Unfortunately, that is not the way change works.

For those that do not know what it is, monologue is “a long and typically tedious speech by one person during a conversation.” As an example, monologue is what those late-night talk show hosts do for the first five minutes of the show, they tell jokes, try to make a point or two and some even try to they try to influence the viewers. That’s a monologue.

What else is a monologue? In school, the teacher stands at the front of the classroom teaching, telling you things, showing you new things. That’s a monologue, however, that’s not how change happens. In the classroom, monologue is how you learn and that while is considered change it is not the social change groups are demanding. Real Social Change happens through dialogue. Creating two-way conversations and working things out together is how change is made.

Dialogue is how you create change. Dialogue is how you make change that is sustainable. That is how you make change that is going to last for a long, long time. However, when every group decides to have an attitude of “it’s my point and no other point matters” that is why we have problems. That’s why we’re in the situation we are in. This applies to any situation. That is why we’re there or here.

Whether it is because of natural disasters, man-made disasters, other people’s problems, or whatever the reason we are in that situation because of conversation not being a dialogue. All it takes for two people, two sides to want to talk, work things out and make things happen.

Remember, change is good just as change is bad because it won’t last. It will not last if it is coming from one side. It is a one-sided conversation. It has got to be agreed upon by both sides or all sides for change to work. Everyone has to agree and if no one wants to work to be part of everyone then you’ve got nothing. When you have nothing then nothing is ever going to change.

Of course, you can sit there and spew all the monologue you want but if there is no dialogue nothing is going to happen. Count on it!

So stand up, speak up, join the conversation and make real change happen.