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NEW VIDEO: The Continuing Need For Training In The Workplace (The United Airlines incidents)

Now online is a new video by David G. Guerra. In this video, David talks about the continuing need for organizations to provide training to their employees, contractors, sub-contractors, and any other stakeholder. In this video, David cites the recent United Airlines incidents involving the death of a family pet and the mishandling of the flight itinerary of a different family pet.

All professional organizations and individuals already know the value of training (giving or receiving) and how it makes everyone better. However, in the modern workplace that just happens to be on 24/7/365 yes I am including holidays because the Internet is never closed, there is almost little to no time to take off in order to get some training done.

Training is a necessary evil and a life saver depending on your where in your organization’s lifecycle you happen to find the need to train others (HINT: ALL THE TIME).

To view the The Continuing Need For Training In The Workplace (The United Airlines incidents) video CLICK HERE

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NEW ARTICLE: 5 Things All Leaders Must Do At The Start Of The Day

The article: 5 THINGS ALL LEADERS MUST DO AT THE START OF THE DAY is the next article by David G. Guerra. In this article David discusses what he sees as the 5 things all leaders must do just before and at the start of the business day. While a leader must wear many hats there are some that are non-negotiable. These five things are not the only thing a leader must do everyday but it is a foundation to being a great leader of which showing up is most certainly at the top of any list.

Read this brief 1200 word article and if you are so inclined there is an option to download the article in PDF format.


blog Leadership Podcast Walking Leader


Episode 108 of the Walking Leader Podcast is now online and ready for your listening pleasure. In this episode, David talks about TIME OFF DURING SPRING BREAK. David talks about a situation that most workplaces have to deal with, especially organizations that have parents with school age kids. This can become a point of contention between those staff members who want time off versus the parents that need to take time off. As a leader, it is your responsibility to work everyone to reach a suitable WIN-WIN especially when it looks like all that is available is a WIN-LOSE!

click here to visit the PODCAST EPISODE 108 page to listen or subscribe on iTunes.