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How I Find Blogging Ideas

I used to blog, a lot. By a lot, I mean a lot. Then as life usually happens other things come into our lives and quickly that what we know to be important is moved to a back burner to simmer until we are ready to deal with it. That is exactly what happened to me when it came to blogging.

Then when I wanted to get back in to a regular schedule of I found that I had difficulty finding new blog ideas. It seems that all the good ideas have been taken, or have they?

No! All the good blogging ideas are still out there. I know for a fact, that the surface has only been scratched. How do I know this?

Simple. The good/great blogging ideas have yet to be hatched. No matter your genre, your area of expertise or what you find interesting enough to talk about there are so many unique perspectives that if all of a sudden, everyone started blogging the blogging ideas would continue to flow and never end.

Again, how do I know this?

I know this because every day there is something new happening. There is something different. No two days are alike and that is where I find my blogging ideas. Well, that is where I am finding them now.

I find them and jot down those ideas in my handy, dandy, trusty FIELD NOTES notebook. I keep those ideas listed, thus filling a well of ideas. However, there is a slight problem.

The problem is taking those ideas from the FIELD NOTES and onto this page, this screen, and into your eyes and mind.

That might just be for the next blog post. I should not forget what today’s blog post is about: How I find my blogging ideas.

As I wrote, before writing in my Field Notes notebook, I am finding those ideas in what is happening in the world around us. It may be a news story about corporate social irresponsibility or leadership failures. Then again, the ideas come from those feel good stories and where the good guy wins. Something that catches my eye or I hear talking and behaving.

Finding those blogging ideas means I have become an OBSERVATIONAL NOTE-TAKER or a RECORDER OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. However, I should add that many of the notes or experiences that I record might not ever see the light of day on my blog. If you take my process of blogging ideas then I recommend the notes you take should remain unpublished, well at least 99% of them should go unpublished.

Sure, they are good ideas to you. You recorded them after all. However, what goes on to become a blog entry should be those ideas that are GREAT IDEAS. Those gems in all your notes that call out to you are the ones that become blog entries. However, keep those ideas that do not make it to blog entries because what is not great today may become great later. It all depends on what the future brings.

There may be an event or individual that reinforces something you noted a while ago. Life is funny that way as things tends to repeat itself involving other individuals and in other circumstances. Sometimes, the events or individuals are overt and other times they are so sublime that in a blink of an eye things have happened and it is over. Remain observant to what is happening all around you and vigilant when it comes to jotting down those ideas.

If you have been struggling for find blogging ideas then please, turn on the television, open the newspaper, fire up the PC, bust out that pen, paper, observe life and get to jotting those ideas down. Turn those ideas into blog posts. Give it a try. What will it hurt?

by David G. Guerra, MBA
Author of the Walking Leader and Great To Follow

email: [email protected]
twitter: @DaveGuerra
instagram: dave_guerra



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“Trust The Process” A New Video Series

TRUST THE PROCESS is a new weekly video series by David G. Guerra, MBA.

TRUST THE PROCESS is Vlog meets a little Q&A or provides help on whatever you need or whatever I see people needing more attention in order to progress and grow personally or professionally. In this new series, I talk about why we must (on occasion) completely trust the process because sometimes the process is there for a reason and that reason is to helps us. We have to listen, we’ve got to follow it, and we have got to do it. I know most of us do not like following the process as most of us like to blaze our own trails. I know I would rather blaze my own trail but sometimes we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do to get it done. So Let’s Get Started!

For more information please visit the TRUST THE PROCESS page for more information.

blog Inspiration Leadership Leadership Principles Mentor Motivation Reading Training Walking Leader

Look & Learn Before It’s Too Late

Recently, I ran across a situation where I was asked if I had done something. I had.

Seems to be an ongoing trend where individuals would rather be spoon-fed what they want to know (or demand to know) only to already have the answer in front of them. Meaning, they see themselves as too important to look for the response themselves.

Folks, Leaders cannot go around assuming there is no response. The answers are always there. Sometimes, there does not need to be any fanfare when something is completed. It is just done.

Leaders, please know and understand sometimes people will do what you say without following up with any micromanaging or “passively-aggressive” behavior. Only when it is NOT done should you act.

Remember, it is how you approach things that in your eyes may be “proactive” but is actually a front for being passive-aggressive. It is a fine line and if you do NOT see that fine line then guess what? You ARE being passive-aggressive!