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New Podcast Episode Out Now!

Episode #125 of the Walking Leader Podcast is out now. In this episode, your host, David Guerra talks about the 5 Tips for Preparing Yourself for the New Year (2019 edition).

The new year is upon us and now we have no choice but to move on and forward into the uncertainty that the new year is bringing. However, not all is doom and gloom. On the contrary, while change is the only certainty it is not all doom and gloom. If managed properly change in the new year can be not only beneficial but something you can look forward to as the months progress towards next December 31st.

So take about 15 minutes to listen to the podcast by clicking here


David Guerra

blog Change Decisionmaking Followership Leadership Leadership Principles Mentor Motivation Walking Leader

An Observation on Change by David Guerra for January 3, 2019

They say when it comes to change the “proof is in the pudding”. The proof being whether the change is good or bad. Unfortunately, that proof is not revealed until it is done. Sure, sometimes we have an indication as change is well underway. Just like with pudding, when we learn the milk may have curdled because we cooked it for too long, the same applies with change. As it may not be in our favor, unfortunately we cannot put another pot of milk when change shows sign of not going our way.

Success comes from accepting change

That is what change is all about. Whether it goes our way or not change has to run its course. However, there are those times when change has run its course that while it seemed not to go our way, it makes a 180 and it was going our way all along.

That’s change for you. Just when it looks like all is lost, a new page turns and all is revealed. Sadly, there are those that do not want to wait for change to arrive at its natural conclusion. Those that do not wait have to deal with the fact that more change is just around the corner. Sometimes, OK most of the time, that change begins before the current change even has a chance at ending. In all actuality, change is a never ending, multiple layer process, in that in all aspects of life, your life, my life, our lives, everything and everybody is constantly undergoing change. Therefore, I highly recommend the sooner you get acquainted with accepting the complexities and intricacies of change the sooner you can get on with life and the success that comes with accepting change.

Success in accepting change?

Most certainly there can be success in accepting change, even when it does not go your way. The success comes with being able to address the need of rolling with the punches and ultimately making the results of change not as damaging to your ego. As having the foresight to accept change you also have the unique ability to adjust your life now and not later when most people do when they refuse to accept that change is coming.

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David G. Guerra, MBA
email: [email protected]
twitter: @daveguerra
instagram: dave_guerra
facebook: thedavidguerra

blog Change Decisionmaking Inspiration Leadership Leadership Principles Mentor Motivation Walking Leader Writing

An Observation on Change by David Guerra for January 2, 2019

As I have been talking about, referring to, advocating, screaming at, looking over the horizon yet only to fall on deaf ears.

CHANGE is here. CHANGE is happening. CHANGE is not going away. CHANGE is a permanent party to life. A constant companion one would say. Change is a lot like the tide. It is constantly rises and falls. The tide is the epitome of change, as it is ALWAYS transitioning from one form to another. As obvious as it is, it must be written in hopes that it will sink in: Change is Fluid.
drifting with the tide

Far too many, while hating change, will give in and ride it out. Their idea of change is drifting with the tide. Yet, when they swim out too far then the fear sets in. Fear sets in because people are taken by surprise when they suddenly realize they have gone too far out to sea. The undertow has taken them to the point of losing sight of the shore.

They start to scramble and look for someone to blame. Someone to blame? Yes, people reach out scrambling for a lifeline when there is none to be had. Fumbling in the water like a fish caught on dry land is sad and comical. Yet, those that are looking for safety of the shore also look for others to step on, push down, or grab hold only to suffocate and drown because both are now too far out to make it back.

Then there are those rare few that will drift with the tide long enough to no go out too far, yet enjoy the struggle of getting back. Unfortunately, they are also the ones that will tax others as they make their way ashore.

Folks, the only way to avoid getting caught so far offshore is to avoid drifting with the tide. However, if your idea of change is to drift with the tide, then learn to love the undertow. Because once you are too far out, you have to work your own way back in to shore. Yes, you have to put in the work before, during, and after change.

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David G. Guerra, MBA
email: [email protected]
twitter: @daveguerra
instagram: dave_guerra
facebook: thedavidguerra