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Fine Tuning Your Focus by David Guerra

Fine Tuning Your Focus – 16 MARCH 2017

There comes a time when all leaders, novice or masters, start to lose focus either by life becoming cumbersome or intentional. When leaders start to lose their focus is when they start to get sloppy and make mistakes.

While making mistakes is part of being a great leader, making preventable or avoidable mistakes is not the making of a great leader. It is carelessness. Being careless is something that while tolerated at first but is not something that is going to be good for follower retention or acquisition. However, as someone who seeks self-improvement and creating a solution to losing focus there are three things you can work on right now to make that happen.

By restoring your concentration, practicing patience and being consistent you can get your focus back to the level you had (if not better than) before you started noticing you were losing focus on not the little stuff but the big stuff as well. Remember, how you deal with the big and the small stuff contributes to shaping who you are as a leader.

Before I continue, I should explain that when I write leader I mean any leader at any level in any position in the organization. This includes those “recognized leaders” that are NOT in management positions but are individuals that others turn to for guidance or advice. “Recognized leaders” are those staff members that have been around the longest, the tenured staff. To be clear, I am referring to all leaders within the organization.

The individual’s ability to concentrate is key to remaining focused. When your concentration is on point, you are on point. However, with all the bells, whistles, and shiny objects in the modern age concentration is a commodity that is going the way of the Dodo. I know, I sound like I am over exaggerating but have you ever sat down and tried to write an 866 word article with Facebook, Twitter, and Email running in the background? Just three? Yes, as I am writing this after hours I do not have to deal with phone calls or text messages.

How we deal with maintaining concentration varies from person to person. No matter what works for you, remember to avoid what does not work. Of course, what works for me might not work for you. Personally, I prefer two things to help get my concentration back. Over the years, I have tried others but I have found that creating a quiet environment, my room/office, with the door closed is a starting point. Then when I am ready, the music comes on. It will either be classical music (Mozart, Chopin, etc.) or 80s music (Duran Duran, Talking Heads, The Police, etc.) and it is not at a low level. Actually, the level the volume is set is not important as the music acts like white noise. I listen to it, I like it and it works for me. Music as white noise did not always work for me.

I tried many things to help with my focus. Some worked, most did not. Those that worked for me did not work for very long. However, that did not stop me from trying again. To find your way to keep and maintain your focus with no matter what you do, patience is the only constant.

Patience in the sense that it will take time to master getting your focus. Keep working at it and keep trying until you find what works. Most of all do not give up but remain patient. Patient, especially when interruptions occur. When they do happen, address them. Depending on the scope or size of the issue you can either address the issue immediately or request to talk about it later. This decision must be made immediately otherwise why bother attempting to remain focused. The sooner you can get back to work the better off you will be in completing your assigned task.

Through all of this and along with patience you must be consistence. Consistency is key when it comes to making you attempts at finding what works for you a success. You remain consistent by scheduling quiet time daily, schedule open door time daily. Do this every day. Avoid the occasional observance of the quiet time. Remember you have work to do that is non-negotiable, aside from leading people or reporting to managers or directors you have to do work that involves you. Usually this involves paperwork and other administrative activities. That is why it is imperative you stick to finding what works for you to get you focus but to also get that focus fine-tuned.

Finding your focus is not something that only you can do but by encouraging others to do the same, you are creating an environment of focused individuals that are not above doing the impossible but doing the impossible on a consistent basis. However, it will take time so be patient. Most of all, remember that finding what works for you will not be what will work for others. That is why it is important for everyone to remember that all good things take time to achieve but once achieved, the success behind having fine-tuned focus is awesome.


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blog Current Events In The News Inspiration Leadership Motivation Walking Leader

#Leadership in the News – March 8, 2017

Leadership in the news is where I will take random news articles found on the Internet and talk about their leadership content (good or bad). The content might not always be from the boardroom or Fortune 500 companies but they are all about Leadership.

‘Star Wars’ actress empowers young girls with her own fashion line

article link:

Great article about how one actress (in this case a voice actress) brought her character from a galaxy far, far away and onto t-shirts right here on our humble little planet. Actress Ashley Eckstein is the force behind the voice of Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s former apprentice, from Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Now she is running a clothing company named, Her Universe. The company produces “geeky merchandise for women and kids”.

Seizing the opportunities before her and exploiting her role in the Star War universe, Eckstein is on the right track to not only cash in but deliver a message of empowerment and leadership to all that follow her whether it be in business or on the small screen as potential Padawans (learners/students).

Every leader at one point or another has had to start at the bottom. While at the bottom, future leaders might have to do work that they feel is beneath them or not something they see themselves doing. Guess what? That is known as paying your dues. Everyone has to pay them. Some pay them longer than others and some pay them later rather than sooner but trust me, everyone pays those dues. Then next step on their way to becoming leaders is to not give up.

Sometimes it may feel like you are spinning your wheels but keep trying. Keep moving forward. Keep doing. It is obvious that entrepreneurs like Ashley Eckstein are doing just that. Their ability to take their opportunities and turn them into realities is truly the stuff of legends. Now don’t mistake my use of the word “legends”.

When I say “legends” I mean individuals that because of their hard work, determination, and continued innovation have become larger than life. A great example of larger than life is Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group) . Though I have never met him, I can see that hard work is still very much part of his life. Getting in the trenches is as much a part of his life today as it was back when started Student magazine, in the late 1960s.

When it comes to Ashley Eckstein, seizing the moment and running with it is the stuff that larger than life people do. It is the stuff that legends do on a daily basis.

So don’t give up. Those that follow you expect you to never give up. Show them the way to becoming leaders of their own by never letting opportunities pass you by as Ashley Eckstein did with Her Universe.


What did you think of this #Leadership In The News post? Let me know by email [email protected] on on Twitter @daveguerra



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What Happens When Your Flowers Don’t Bloom? by David Guerra

What happens when your flowers don’t bloom?

Do you replace the flowers or do you find a new location for your garden?

In life there will be many things that will refuse to take root let alone bloom. When that time comes (and it will) what will you do? What can you do?

Most people will tell you to get rid of the old flowers and get yourself some new ones. That is all fine and dandy but what if they too fail to bloom? What then?

You most certainly cannot go changing flowers after every failed attempt at making them bloom.

Farmers have this thing called crop rotation. In crop rotation they change where they are going to plant their crops. See if they plant wheat or soy or corn or whatever on the same soil for too long the plants will suck the nutrients out of the soil and eventually nothing will grow there.

That being the case, it might be time to change the location of your garden and who knows your flowers might bloom.

The same applies to life. As human beings we love to get into a comfort zone. Especially, in a world where being a nomad means traveling here or there for a brief time then returning home. Oh no, not like our ancestor who moved because they went where the food went. They didn’t stick around once all the Woolly Mammoths were either killed off or migrated away. Early man, moved. They traveled to get the best chance at hunting for food and surviving.

Unfortunately for us, there are no more Woolly Mammoths (at least not yet) nor are there any sabre tooth tigers that are out there making a meal out of us. No, nowadays we travel to the local Mega-Mart to pick up a modern prepackaged version of Brontosaurus burgers (a la Fred Flintstone). Yes, we are firmly entrenched in our comfort zones, our homes with a nice solid foundation.

Now, there is no need to move around. There is no need to rotate our crops. There is no need to do anything but sit back and reap the benefits and rewards that modern society has worked long and hard to attain. We seem to have forgotten that change is VITAL to our existence. Change is what keeps us alive. Change is what makes us better people. Change is essential to making the flowers bloom.

No matter what you want to grow (relationships, business, education, whatever) it is time for change. It may be as simple as finding a new spot for your garden, changing the way you think about relationships or deciding what education you need to succeed. It is all about change and finding what works for you.

As a leader, you have to be flexible to change. Remember, leading people is NOT done with a cookie-cutter approach, all people are NOT the same. You are unique and you are different. Being different means being receptive and open to change and in most cases, initiating change.

Thank you,
David Guerra, MBA






