Current Events DareToBe Leadership Motivation

#DareToBe – Tuesday – 01/19/2016 Topic: Health

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm Eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16).

Every week a different topic. On the evening of January 5, 2015, the topic was HEALTH. 11 Questions asked and 11 Questions answered and while I could not capture all the twitter based answers I present to you the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Also, I invite you to follow me on twitter: @DaveGuerra.


Q1: To be healthy means to __________. #DareToBe
A1. To be healthy means to be in optimal or near-optimal state in mind, body, and/or spirit #DareToBe

Q2: How do you ensure that you have a healthy mind, soul, body and spirit? #DareToBe
A2. Actively work at being better with your mind, soul, body & spirit. There is NO passive-income when it comes to overall health #DareToBe

Q3: In which aspects of your life (mind, soul, body, spirit) do you wish you could be healthier? Explain. #DareToBe
A3. All aspects. We are a system of systems and it takes all of them to make us who we are, to make us whole #DareToBe

Q4: If you could change one thing that would allow you to be healthier, what would it be? #DareToBe
A4. Travel more. It forces me to adapt to my surrounding it would keep all my systems working all the time. #DareToBe

Q5: What are your greatest successes in terms of your personal health? #DareToBe
A5. To still be able to meet the US Army standard for Pushups, Situps, and Run. (It’s difficult but I still can). #DareToBe

Q6: My health is more important to me than ____________. #DareToBe
A6. anything else. I have a daughter to walk down the aisle (one day a long time from now). #DareToBe

Q7: What are common challenges or excuses that get in the way of someone being healthy? #DareToBe
A7. It’s too cold. It’s too hot. I will do it tomorrow. One day we will be out of tomorrows. Then who will care about the weather? #DareToBe

Q8: How does stress get in the way of having a healthy lifestyle? #DareToBe
A8. A healthy lifestyle needs stress, it is when there is more stress than healthy that problems begin. Balance! #DareToBe

Q9: How does your health impact others? #DareToBe
A9. When it is good everyone’s stress level is down. Get sick and everyone involved/concerned stress levels are off the charts #DareToBe

Q10: There are so many competing demands on people’s attention. How do you put you first? #DareToBe
A10. I look at the four quadrants then look at sphere of influence, then sphere of concern. It falls into place. Prioritizing #DareToBe

Q11: In 2016 I will #DareToBe healthy by ________________. To do this I will _______________.
A11. In 2016 I will #DareToBe healthy by getting out more. To do this I will spend more days & nights outdoors with family.

Till Tuesday!

blog Daily Dave Leadership Motivation Podcast Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #014 (19 Jan 16) by David Guerra

…and it’s Tuesday (yet, again).
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”, and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I talk about Service and 4 Day Work Weeks.

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blog Change Leadership Motivation Tips Walking Leader

The Walking Leader: Sunday Afternoon Prep (part 2) by David Guerra

Continuing with the second of a three part series on SUNDAY AFTERNOON PREP.

Sunday afternoons are a great time to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Let me rephrase that, Sundays are the greatest time of the week to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Now, with being said, what do you do on Sunday afternoons to prepare?

Personally, there are several things that I do to prepare. I am going to share them with you over the coming weeks. I will break them down into their own groups to make it easier for me to write about them. Last week, I talked about ensuring that all your devices are charged and in working order.

I touched on briefly on what to do when you find yourself out of power on your laptop or tablet.

This brings me to the what I truly consider the most important thing to do when it comes to Sunday Prep: Have writing utensils and writing material with you at all time.

I have said it countless times before and I will continue to say it: do not get caught without a good pen and paper.

Lamy safari yellow pen

The pen does not have to be anything fancy but what it does have to be is functional. Functional in that it will work every time you need. There is nothing worse than to have an opportunity arise then to fall short in capitalizing on any opportunity all because you do not have a pen. Carry a pen.

As for something to write on, that can be found just about anywhere. However, the best is to have something that you know is solely for writing on and you can carry with you all the time. This is as opposed to tearing off the back of an old envelope or tearing a piece of a paper bag, both of which are more apt to go missing when you need to go back to refer the information you wrote on that piece of paper.

Personally, I carry either a small FIELD NOTES notebook or a small stack of 3″x5″ cards (clipped together with bulldog clip). As for the pen, I rotate between a LAMY fountain pen, Sherpa ball point, and Padrino fountain pen.

Additionally, as a back up I keep a small notebook and Pilot G2 pen in my vehicle (strictly as a backup).

Again, because what works today might not work when you really need it. Take time to ensure that you have a pen and that the pen has plenty of ink. As for the paper, make sure you have plenty of clean (unwritten) paper on hand. Obviously, replace or refill as needed, throughout the week.

Prepare now and later you won’t have to scramble.

Thanks for your time,