
On Being Thankful (part 2)

As a businessperson‬ are you thankful‬ for the people that follow you?
Or as a businessperson are you ONLY thankful for people that shop with you?
Or as a businessperson are you less than thankful for those that don’t buy from you?
Or do you not care about them until they buy from you?

Do you see where I’m going with this?

As a businessperson, I am just as grateful for everyone that even looks at my street sign as I am for everyone that buys from me. I know that not everyone can be my >customer‬ but I do know and I wholeheartedly agree that everyone can be my friend‬.

So ask yourself, are you only grateful for the paying customers?
If that’s all you care about or are truly grateful for then, I PROMISE, you are in business‬ for all the wrong reasons!

to be continued…

blog Leadership Motivation Tips Walking Leader


DISRUPTIVE-SHARPIERemember when the ‪‎Sharpie‬® was ‪DISRUPTIVE‬?

Most of you are too young to remember when the Plain Old Sharpie was the new kid on the block.

The ‪Pen‬ industry hated the Sharpie because people were no longer going to scratch out errors with pens.

Parents‬ and ‪Teachers‬ hated it because of the graffiti on the ‪#‎bedroom‬ and ‪#‎classroom‬ walls that was going to be so very difficult to remove.

Printers hated the Sharpie because people no longer needed them to print up those fancy colored banners, flyers and posters.

Marks-A-Lot®  is a VERY serious ‪competition‬ but not good enough to over take Sharpie®.

NOW, the SHARPIE industry is BOOMING. Companies were founded and jobs were created with the sole purpose of removing SHARPIE based ‪‎graffiti‬ from walls. Last time I checked, Marks-A-Lot and other permanent ‪marker‬ or indelible marker companies are very much in ‪business‬.

That’s a well and good but sadly over the years the good old Sharpie is NO LONGER a disruption. The Sharpie is now just part of the modern workplace background. Sure they have delivered with more colors and styles but never could they return to that fantastic moment of disruption. Then again, that is a company not an individual. Individuals must be disruptive. Constantly disruptive.

From an early age, we are disruptive. We want need attention from our mother, our father, our family, the world around us.


STAY DISRUPTIVE or become part of the background.

The choice is yours! Personally, I prefer you, me, all of us be as DISRUPTIVE as possible for as long as possible.



Leadership Motivation

on Niccolò Machiavelli #7

“It is essential that in entering a new province you should have the good will of its inhabitants.” – Niccolò Machiavelli

Any new venture requires that those taking the journey do so with great respect for the people that are where you are going.

By this I mean, you will have to get to know the people you are visiting or serving. In the case of a new business, you need to respect the customer or client you are trying to attract. Fail to respect the customer and you will get what you deserve.

Give them all the respect you can. Remember, you will need them when you least expect it. They will need you 100% of the time. That’s why RESPECT is the number one thing that all people on this planet respond to and RESPECT is the one thing everyone wants but many struggle to give.

Don’t struggle just give respect 100% of the time and see the magic happen!