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The Daily Dave #036 (13 Feb 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave (you could call it a podcast)…and it’s the Weekend Part 1.
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”, and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I am talking about drama in social media (yet again)

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Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat                                 Periscope @daveguerra

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blog Current Events Daily Dave In The News Leadership Motivation Podcast Tips Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #029 (3 Feb 16) by David Guerra

Welcome to National Signing Day.
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”, and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I talk about about National Signing Day and the advice my good friend, Charles Sledge, gave me and I pass along to you.

You can always follow me:

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              Snapchat                    |             Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat            Periscope @daveguerra

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blog Current Events Daily Dave In The News Leadership Motivation Podcast Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #028 (2 Feb 16) by David Guerra

…and it’s Groundhog Day.
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”, and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I talk about Groundhog Day (the movie version of the real place and the real place).

You can always follow me:

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Snapchat                                 |          Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat         Periscope @daveguerra

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