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Required Reading: 10 Books On Leadership (Summer 2017 edition)

Summer on the beach. Summer in the country. Summer abroad.  Summer Time.

For some reason or another, Summer is the time of year for fun and relaxation. Summer is also time to catch up on your reading. That’s why I have put together this list of 10 books on Leadership as Required Reading for any up and coming leader, including those leaders that require a refresher or two (ALL LEADERS).

Why 10? Ten books is enough for one person to read from early June to late August.  90 days. Think about it, does it really take you more than nine days to read a book?

It should not. Sure some of these books may seem a little long and daunting but in the end, it does not matter how long or how short they are. What does matter, is the vast knowledge and wisdom that will be gained by reading these 10 books.

Now if you have read them or some of them that’s OK. Read the ones you have not read and re-read the ones you have. Personally, I am re-reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Actually, it is my fifth re-read. Sometimes, things are that important to study, analyze and do so over again.


1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
2. The Art of War by Sun Tzu
3. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
4. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
5. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
6. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
7. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
8. Good to Great by Jim Collins
9. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell
10. The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard

Do you agree or disagree with this list. Let me know either by Twitter @daveguerra or by email [email protected] or both.

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The Daily Dave #071 (24 Mar 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Thursday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The purpose of the Daily Dave is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things.

In this episode, I talk about #TrainingThursday: Phone Etiquette.

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Brussels, Belgium: Another Day of Infamy

Brussels Belgium attacks 22 March 2016This morning, Tuesday March 22, 2016, the city of Brussels, capital of Belgium, the headquarters for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the European Union (EU) was brought into the harsh reality that is quickly becoming the status quo for the second decade of the 21st Century: Terrorist attacks.

At least three explosions rocked the city just after 8am. At the time, most of the citizens of that small but powerful European town were waking up and starting go about their daily routine. Routine over.

Now the people of Brussels and all of Belgium go to bed a member of a fraternity that no population of a city or nation ever want to be a part of, unfortunately after today, that is no longer an option.

Today, the world changed.The world changed, again.

See unlike many things in the world today too many people see something happening somewhere else and they do not give a damn. Unless it is happening in their own backyard, it is not happening to them and they could not care any less than what they already do.

If someone hasn’t already told you, it is happening in your backyard. It is happening in our backyard and more importantly, it is happening to ALL OF US.

Someone once said, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

Well folks, the truth is it is going to get a lot worse.

It is going to stay that way until we, all of us, come together and doing something, no let me rephrase that, do the right thing. The right thing is the only thing.

The only thing is to take back that which we have allowed to be taken from us by those individuals that use religion as a shield to further their political agenda. Yes, those radicals are using their religion to further their political agenda of ruling the world.

Religion does not rule man. Religion is something to give people peace and solace not to be used as a vehicle to deliver fear and death. All religions are inherently good and that is why when individuals claim to kill on behalf of that religion know they know nothing of what they speak of or believe.

The freewill of those few individuals are not the end all or be all of the religion they claim to come from or represent.

Freewill is a gift every man and woman on this small planet is given at birth. The vast majority of the almost 7 billion people on this planet use freewill for good. However, why are those very few that choose to pervert that gift the ones we have to worry about the most? Shouldn’t those few that thrive on the bad or evil be in fear of those that do good? Now isn’t that ironic. The majority gives power to the few and those few believe they can act with impunity.

Terror attacks conducted with impunity cannot be allowed to become the new norm. Citizens going about their daily lives cannot allow themselves to have their lives dictated by the actions of just a few individuals. When people allow this to become the norm they have over their lives and that of their posterity over to a new king, a new ruler.

Man is ruled by those he or she allows to be his or her ruler. Twist it however you want but in the end know that Rulers are mere politicians. People put politicians in power and it is people that can dissolve that power.

We are going to have to take a stand, act on that stand and that is the only way we are going to stop the festering of these evil “would be” new norms.

We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.
–Jonathan Swift