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Regarding A Journey – Day 00

Day 0 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Starting tomorrow morning, Thursday September 1, 2016 you and I will be taking a journey. Everyday for the next 100 days I will post one of the 100 Ways To Rule Your World series I used as a base for blog series and subsequent book. I felt it was time to bring it out from the mothballs, shake off the dust and present it again. Below is a bonus day that fell right into place as the Day 0 Intro.

I invite you to please join me on this journey, this new adventure. Enjoy.


A “Voyage of Self-Discovery” will ALWAYS be long and arduous. Having a Support System (Navigators) of Family and Friends that will keep you sailing forward through the storms and calm seas, is essential.

Your support system should NEVER fail you by steering you back to shore every time they get uncomfortable. What’s the point of venturing out into uncharted waters? How will you ever know if there be “dragons” there? For that matter, how will you ever learn how to face those “dragons” on your own terms? Face them now or face them later but you will face them (ALONE).

Set your course; Never Mind the BULLOCKS, Damn The Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead, and Straight On Till Morning!!!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Overcome Fear. Become Fearless. Become Limitless. by David Guerra

14141600_1115135628566862_8264494036368684327_nIf I may take a moment of your time. Today, I want to talk about FEAR.

Fear stops so many people in their tracks. Life is not about being afraid. Life is not about stopping. Life is about living, exploring and finding the next great thing that excites and inspires you. That which makes you grow! Life is about adventure. Unfortunately, there is no adventure when you live a fearful life.

How can you grow if you live in fear? How can you take chances if all you do is worry about the unknown? What can make you thrive is also the same thing that makes approach with caution but NEVER fear (survival). To survive you also have to take that step out of your cave.

The ONLY thing fear does is that it makes you less than your potential. Fear stifles your growth. Fear increases your comfort zone. Fear makes you look at others with jealousy, bitterness, and most of all it makes you look at others with contempt.

Fear lowers your standards to a level that anyone that dares to step above that level is not worth your time except for that moment when you desperately hope they come crashing down to below your level. It makes those fearful people cynical.

Cynical? You had better believe they are cynics. Some wallow in it, others feel that the only way to feel comfortable is to be cynical about those that have no fear when it comes to stepping out of their comfort zone.

If you are one of those that would rather curl up under the covers rather than step out and do something positive about your existence but are afraid. Why are you afraid?

Are you afraid that just like the cynicism you have cast on plenty of others, others will be cynical towards you? Is the fear of cynical people stopping you?

Ask yourself, what have the cynics done for you that they are not already doing to you? If they are already talking about and criticizing others in front of you then please sleep well at night knowing they are talking about, criticizing, and being cynical about you to others.

It is who they are. Maybe you like the noise they were making but once you fell into their trap you found yourself a little too deep to get yourself out.

You probably see no way out. There is a way out. You can make it out on your own.

People make ladders, to get themselves on top of or out of something. Build your own ladder and get yourself out from the pit of cynicism and fear.

If you really truly want to get out of the tiger trap known as FEAR (cynicism included) then please know there is one true secret to building a ladder and using that ladder: Take it one step at a time.

You can get yourself up and out. You can overcome your lowered standards. You can overcome cynicism, criticizing others. You can get away from others that live in creating drama by criticizing others (especially the absent) in front of you.

Overcome Fear. Become Fearless. Become Limitless.

David G. Guerra is a US Army Veteran, Small Business Entrepreneur, and Author (Fiction & Non-Fiction). David served with the US Army Berlin Brigade 110 miles behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. David later spent 17 years working for the State of Texas in the Information Technology field while successfully earning his Bachelor and Master degree in Business Administration. Currently working in the private sector has given David the opportunity to write and publish his first two of three books on leadership; “The Walking Leader” and “Great To Follow” and four historical fiction books set in Occupied West Berlin (“Doughboy City”, “Air Bridge Berlin”, “Spandau Guard”, & “Parade Season”) with more of both genres to come.





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The Leadership Minute #82 – Give Up Excuses (Current Events Edition)

Welcome to the Leadership Minute #82 and it is the Current Events edition of things to Give Up To Be a Successful Leader. Today I am continuing my talk about Giving up Excuses.

When I first started writing the notes to this video I had a little trouble finding a real world current event that I could use then it happened.

At the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio at the 400 Meter Hurdle quarterfinals US athlete and the youngest to ever qualify for this Olympic event, Sydney McLaughlin, a 17-year-old high school senior was interviewed after the race that put her into the finals and that’s when it happened. While she did not finish in the top three to automatically move her into the semifinals her time had to beat the rest of the remaining athletes to fill in the other spots in the semis. Her youth, inexperience, and overly ambitious reporter got the better of her. She started with the excuses as to why she did not finish in the top three.

“It’s hard coming to a place like this, so many people, so much expectations, the rain, the change in weather, I’m sick – I have a cold. It’s a lot to take in, a lot to process, and a lot to deal with at the same time.”

Having a daughter just a less than a year younger than McLaughlin who also happens to participate in her high school track and field saw all the excuses right off the bat.

One you are not there to see the crowd. The only expectations are your own and as world class athlete you know that by now. The ringer was that she had a cold. Like I said she is 17 years old and her inexperience dealing with the media came shining through. Here was a great opportunity to be a role model for her peers and those future Olympians but instead gave the opposite.

She gave what kids her age give. Again, I am not blaming her but it does show the inexperience. It does show that people will blame others and make excuses to their advantage or they think it is to their advantage. Ultimately, it is just fronts, it’s a barrier and that’s not good leadership.

Thank you,
David Guerra