blog DareToBe Leadership Motivation

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Memories (Tuesday, December 22, 2015)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm Eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16).

Every week a different topic. On the evening of December 22, 2015, the topic was MEMORIES. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Also, I invite you to follow me on twitter: @DaveGuerra.


  • Q1: To remember involves daily and lifelong moments. What makes one particular thought stand out? #DareToBe
    A1. Sometimes it is the littlest thing that will trigger a memory. A scent, a song, the look of the sky, the stillness of the night. anything really  #DareToBe
  • Q2: The best memories involve ______________. #DareToBe
    A2. The best memories involve those times when I was with very special & important people in my life. #DareToBe
  • Q3: What is one of your favorite childhood memories? #DareToBe
    A3. Hanging out with my cousins at my grandparent’s home after a two day drive from DC to Texas #DareToBe
  • Q4: Happy memories make you happier. Agree/disagree? Explain. #DareToBe
    A4. Agree. I believe happy memories make me happy in that they are a catalyst for making more happy memories #DareToBe
  • Q5: We all do this. We keep items to help us remember a person, event, etc. Describe the item you are thinking of. #DareToBe
    A5. I have my pieces of the Berlin Wall. Great times, Sad times, Fantastic Time in History to be there. #DareToBe
  • Q6: “We do not remember days. We remember moments.” –Cesare Pavese/ Give an example of a recent moment. #DareToBe
    A6. This year’s Veterans Day presentations at my children’s schools. Both were very active participants in the presentation. #DareToBe
  • Q7: When memories are negative, how can one overcome living in its shadows? #DareToBe
    A7. By acknowledging they happened & doing what it takes to not repeat or not have those memories repeated in real life. #DareToBe
  • Q8: How can memories be used to make a team, family or friendship stronger? #DareToBe
    A8. Those memories build unity and create a unique level of cohesion that is shared by those that have the common memory/experience #DareToBe
  • Q9: What memories play a part in your holiday traditions or celebrations? #DareToBe
    A9. All of them. From that year with the aluminum tree to the year we had goose for Christmas Dinner #DareToBe
  • Q10: This holiday I will dare to make a happy memory by _____________. #DareToBe
    A10. actively participating and encouraging others to be an active part of the magic. #DareToBe

If you like this kind of conversation then I do invite you to join us every week on Twitter. Thanks and as always #DareToBe Unique!

blog Change Leadership Motivation Walking Leader

Small, Big & Great People by David Guerra

They say you can tell the size of the person by the size of his/her problems. This may be hard for some to swallow but the reality is that most people fit in the first category and then number of people in the last two dramatically falls off. Well, no wonder we are in the state that we are in.


It’s like this:

A small person has problems that are very self-directed, very self-focused. Their belief is that all problems are based on others taking something away from them, personally. The belief is that everyone but themselves is the cause of the problem. For example, they will complain the credit card bill is too high because the interest rate is so high, yet they have absolutely no problem carrying the maximum balance on the card.

They complain about being overweight yet truly believe they are doing themselves good by eating a small salad while at the “All You Can Eat” buffet, you know the one with the buttery yeast biscuits. And so on and so on.

They internalize and justify their behavior but when someone calls them on it (i.e., the credit card bill arrives or the liver panel results come in) then everyone else is at fault.

Meanwhile, a big person has problems that are outward, very focused on others. They are focused on the family, employees, friends, and so on. They are prepared to do what they can to make life better for them. A Big Person will worry about the things that matter most to others. While not losing focus on satisfying their own needs and wants. Usually, their needs and wants are rooted in the needs and wants of others. (Think Parents)

Great people have great concerns (i.e., whole country, the planet, the human race). Great people impact the world at large and very seldom impact one or a few individuals. However, when Great people impact a few people they do so in a way that will motivate others to greatness by acting and doing something that will change the world.

Great people are also humble in that they would deflect any accolades towards others rather than accept the well-deserved honors. Yes, they are like that.

No One Is Perfect

EVERYONE has a little small, big and great inside. It is our choice to decide just how much power/strength we give to each of the three.

Sadly, there are way too many people that give way too much power and attention to the SMALL.


NOT ENOUGH people that give any power to being BIG or being GREAT.

Being Big or Great can be done with a lot of hard work while being small is the easiest one to be. Heck, being small involves almost no work at all. Unfortunately, that is why being small is so popular.

Which one are you?

Thanks for reading,
David Guerra

blog Change Followership Leadership Walking Leader

About Giving and Taking (Part 2)


Today’s Latin Phrase of the day is: QUID PRO QUO

“In common law, quid pro quo indicates that an item or a service has been traded in return for something of value, usually when the propriety or equity of the transaction is in question. A contract must involve consideration: that is, the exchange of something of value for something else of value.”

For example: You ask for something of value from me and I exchange it for something of equal value that’s fair. However, when I ask you for something of value and you choose not to exchange anything for it because you see NO value in what I offer then that is fair, as well. No transaction takes place.

Here is where it can get tricky: You ask for the exact same thing of value from me that I asked of you. That same item or action that you saw NO VALUE (because it was from me) yet you now give it value because it comes from you. How is that fair? It’s not. More than likely you will see it as being extremely unfair and in most cases, you will take it as a personal assault because the exchange will not take place. While many business transactions take place everyday an even greater amount do NOT take place because of the perceived lack of value from one or both sides of the transaction.

Life is just like this:
When you ask for something you must always be prepared to give something back. You ask for an apple be prepared to exchange an orange for it. Ask for a follow be prepared to follow back. As from me to do you a “solid” be prepared to do a “solid” for me. That’s how business works. You want a product or service then be prepared to pay for it. Yes, it is that simple!

Remember, FREE does not put food on my table, just like free does not put food on your table.

Now, if you have to think about what I just wrote then you are most certainly the one doing more of the taking and very little (if any) of the giving.

Thus ending the Latin and Modern Socioeconomic lesson for today.