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On Leadership (again) #2

True Leaders Get In The Trenches

Leaders that are NOT afraid to get in the trenches are Leaders worth following.

Anyone can call themselves a leader but it is the one that believes and acts on leadership principles is a TRUE LEADER.

A Leader that is NOT afraid to get into the trenches and lead from the front is a leader worth following unconditionally.

Why unconditionally?

Unconditionally because a leader that leads from the front is a leader that is not only focused on the mission and vision of the organization but focuses on the success of those he or she leads. Focusing on the success of those they lead, the leader can all but ensure the successful completion of the organization’s mission.

Two birds + one stone = Win-Win
– = – = – = –

David G. Guerra, MBA
email: [email protected]
twitter: @daveguerra
instagram: dave_guerra
facebook: thedavidguerra