Continuing with the second of a three part series on SUNDAY AFTERNOON PREP.
Sunday afternoons are a great time to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Let me rephrase that, Sundays are the greatest time of the week to make your plans and prepare for the coming work week. Now, with being said, what do you do on Sunday afternoons to prepare?
Personally, there are several things that I do to prepare. I am going to share them with you over the coming weeks. I will break them down into their own groups to make it easier for me to write about them. Last week, I talked about ensuring that all your devices are charged and in working order.
I touched on briefly on what to do when you find yourself out of power on your laptop or tablet.
This brings me to the what I truly consider the most important thing to do when it comes to Sunday Prep: Have writing utensils and writing material with you at all time.
I have said it countless times before and I will continue to say it: do not get caught without a good pen and paper.

The pen does not have to be anything fancy but what it does have to be is functional. Functional in that it will work every time you need. There is nothing worse than to have an opportunity arise then to fall short in capitalizing on any opportunity all because you do not have a pen. Carry a pen.
As for something to write on, that can be found just about anywhere. However, the best is to have something that you know is solely for writing on and you can carry with you all the time. This is as opposed to tearing off the back of an old envelope or tearing a piece of a paper bag, both of which are more apt to go missing when you need to go back to refer the information you wrote on that piece of paper.
Personally, I carry either a small FIELD NOTES notebook or a small stack of 3″x5″ cards (clipped together with bulldog clip). As for the pen, I rotate between a LAMY fountain pen, Sherpa ball point, and Padrino fountain pen.
Additionally, as a back up I keep a small notebook and Pilot G2 pen in my vehicle (strictly as a backup).
Again, because what works today might not work when you really need it. Take time to ensure that you have a pen and that the pen has plenty of ink. As for the paper, make sure you have plenty of clean (unwritten) paper on hand. Obviously, replace or refill as needed, throughout the week.
Prepare now and later you won’t have to scramble.
Thanks for your time,