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The Daily Dave #079 (6 April 16) by David Guerra

The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra…and it’s Wednesday.

I continue my daily audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.

The Daily Dave is a daily podcast about sharing what’s happening and how it is affecting our Business, Personal, and Social Media life.

In this episode, I talk about the Panama Papers and other such nonsense.

You can always follow me:

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              Snapchat                 |             Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat     Periscope @daveguerra

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#DareToBe Tweet Chat – Session: 040516

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 the #DareToBe Tweetchat hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16) took place.
The #DareToBe topic was CHOICES

The following are Andrea’s ten questions and my answers.

Q1: What does success mean to you? #DareToBe
A1. Success means you are doing what you want to do and doing it by your rules, your way. #DareToBe

Q2: How do you measure success? #DareToBe
A2. I measure success by the amount of happiness and success I bring others (and in that order) #DareToBe

Q3: When you think of a past success in your life, what first comes to mind? Explain. #DareToBe
A3. becoming a father #DareToBe

Q4: Give an example of small successes people may take for granted. #DareToBe
A4. Finishing the day alive and ready to face tomorrow. Be Grateful & Thankful to be Successful #DareToBe

Q5: In order for me to be successful I need ____________________. #DareToBe
A5. In order for me to be successful I need be me (plain and simple just be myself). #DareToBe

Q6: Picture yourself in 5 to 10 years. What is the “future successful you” doing/feeling? #DareToBe
A6. Living in Berlin as a successful author of Cold War fiction. With 4 books done I know I am on my way. #DareToBe

Q7: Based on your answer to Q6, what step(s) can you make today toward meeting that “future successful you” vision? #daretobe
A7. For me, it is to continue writing especially when I don’t feel like it. The story wants to come out but the fingers say NO 🙁 #DareToBe

Q8: _________________ can get in the way of success. #DareToBe
A8. Unfortunately, it is Me, myself, and I can get in the way of success. #DareToBe

Q9: What question may a successful person ask him/herself on a daily basis? #daretobe
A9. What can I do today to make life better for those I am responsible for? #DareToBe

Q10: Tomorrow I #DareToBe successful by ________________.
A10. Tomorrow I #DareToBe successful by helping others become successful. #DareToBe

I invite you to join us on Twitter every Tuesday evening at 8PM Eastern / 7PM Central. Look for the #DARETOBE hashtag.

blog Current Events Daily Dave Followership In The News Leadership Motivation Podcast Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #078 (5 April 16) by David Guerra

…and it’s Tuesday.
Today, I continue my audio / podcast series, “The Daily Dave”.The Daily Dave podcast by David Guerra
The Daily Dave is about sharing what’s happening and how it is affecting our Business, Personal, and Social Media life.

In this episode, I talk about Abby Wambach and Accepting Personal Responsibility.

You can always follow me:

Twitter | Instagram | Facebook |

             Snapchat                 |            Periscope @daveguerra
Follow DaveGuerra on Snapchat    Periscope @daveguerra

buy my books (paperback):