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It appears the (former) President of the Seattle Chapter of the NAACP is not African-American by birth but is by choice. Rachel Dolezal wrote she is in “complete allegiance to the cause of racial and social justice and the NAACP” and stepped down as the chapter’s president. She quit, which for her might have been the right thing to do but was it for everyone else?

What most people do not know, want to know or understand is, plain and simple; she quit being a leader the moment she took that position (or any other position) under false pretenses.

While the national NAACP stated “one’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.” That is fine if this individual, this “leader” had done her job as a LEADER by being honest and having the ethics, morals and integrity that individuals in any leadership must possess there would have been no problem.

Heck, I am more than certain we would NOT have this conversation, if this individual had just stopped for a minute and did the right thing for herself and especially for those that believed and followed her.

Now what? What happens next? What happens to all the individuals (both personal and professional) that were duped by the Dolezal? Yes, I wrote duped because that is what she did. I cannot come up with any no other word to describe. OK, yes I can but I would rather not at this time but I digress.

What happens next, is that like most negative things that happen in our lives, those friends and followers will get back up, pick up the pieces, and learn from their mistake (in trusting and believing Dolezal).

Now as for Dolezal, herself. Well, her future is solely her own. She can refuse to admit defeat, bury her head in the sand until the next news story breaks, and the come out like nothing happened.

On the other hand, she can do what ALL Real Leaders do: Admit a mistake was made, Pick up the pieces, Learn from those mistakes, and Move Forward!

What would you do if this was you in this unbelievable situation?

reference used in this blog post:

Change Decisionmaking Leadership Motivation

on Niccolò Machiavelli #8

“For whoever believes that great advancement and new benefits make men forget old injuries is mistaken.” -Niccolò Machiavelli

I once fell into a very large pile of rusty, old concertina wire (razor wire). If you know what razor wire is you know it can get pretty nasty if you get tangled up in it. Needless to say, I are tangled up in. It happened when I was in the Army. We were out on field maneuvers patrolling in a wooded area. I was part of the left flank as we approached a clearing. My attention was focused on the clearing and what might or might not be there. Then the forest floor gave out on me. I found myself bouncing on something semi-springy. I landed on my back onto the largest collection of used concertina wire in all of Fort Benning, Georgia.

To this day, I see one of the scars every time I sit down to type. I sliced open my right ring finger from my middle joint to just below my fingernail. While lying on top of the pile I could see the ligament and bones. It was a nice clean slice of course that was just before the bleeding started there and on my left calf with the six-inch slice. A medevac flight, some bandages, and a nice tetanus shot later I was good to go. Having learned my lesson, and just like that, I never walked in those woods or any other woods the same way, again. Every field exercise or deployment after that, I made certain I knew what I was stepping on and most certainly, where I was going.

The same applies to the top quote by Machiavelli. When we move forward. It is through our gained experience that we can move forward with caution and with speed. Speed in that we know where the landmines (or bundles of trashed concertina wire) are and caution to ensure that we avoid and freshly laid landmines.

What I am trying to say is don’t forget that the unexpected is always just one footstep away and don’t forget that as you go on your way forward.

David Guerra


Leadership Motivation

on Niccolò Machiavelli #5

“Therefore, the best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses they will not save you if you are hated by the people.” – Niccolò Machiavelli 

This one is real simple. What Machiavelli is saying is if you have the love of the people then you got it all. They will go to bat for you. They will follow you through hell and high water. They will be there for you.

It is when you don’t have their love that you have problems. When you find yourself without authentic followers you will have a difficult time moving mountains or defending your castle from the onslaught of a charging Mongolian Army.

When you have people that love you, your product/service, your organization or any combination is when you have followers. Just like they love you, you must to love them. You must be grateful for having them.

I am not telling you anything new.

Back in the 16th century, Machiavelli was wise enough to share this one bit of advice with his friends in the book The Prince before it was published for the masses, some five years after his death.

However, Machiavelli was not the first to come up with the concept of having people like you to help you when you need their help. Sun Tzu, in his book Art of War, mentions something to the same effect. Then scatter throughout ancient and modern history the same theme permeates.

It cannot be denied. Libraries are filled with stories of individuals, weak and mighty, who turned their backs on others only to find that they really need them and then it is too late for anyone to help.

If you can find people and keep people, you have won. Please understand, when I say keep them I mean that you have done all you can to create and maintain a mutual admiration and respect for each other then you are good to go. When you have showed them that you value them for who they are then they will value you.

Most certainly, as a King, Owner, Dictator (wait a second Dictators don’t count), Leader, or Boss you can rule with a heavy hand or an iron fist but why would you want to? Why would anyone want to? Ask a Dictator, they will tell you why (as you are being led to the gallows).

The cool thing about staying in power and growing with power is to make as many people as you can grow with you. Appreciate those that are with you, especially the ones that have been with you since day one.

What do you think? I would like to hear from you.
