blog Change Leadership

2025: Change -The Politics of Dancing (and other such nonsense)

Image by <a href="">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

While my views and opinions on politics are mine and I try not to OVERTLY cram it down anyone’s throat. This I try not to do because one; it is pointless to do so, two: I am write where others are wrong (then again, there are times when others are right and I am wrong).  

There are times when politics needs to be mentioned. This is one of those times.

Today, is Friday, January 17, 2025, and on the other side of the weekend, the world will change, our lives will change. On Monday, while it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day it is also Inauguration Day here in the United States of America.

Everything changes. For good or bad, who knows as that is still unwritten. 

What is not unwritten is the following:

• Change is happening.

• Change will happen.

• You do not have to like change.

• Change is what you make of it. 

• Remember, “changes aren’t permanent but change is” (RUSH, “Tom Sawyer”)

 A few words of advice: 

1. The sooner you accept the fact that change cannot be stopped the sooner you can get on with accepting and dealing with any change that comes your way.

2. It falls solely on you to come to peace with the change that is happening around you. You cannot force or demand others to acquiesce. They are dealing with their own change(s). 

3. Stick around, a new set of changes are coming fast.

Thank you for your time,
David Guerra

— Follow me on Social Media —
X: daveguerra
Instagram: dave_guerra
Facebook: thedavidguerra

blog Change Ethical Behavior Ethics Leadership positive standards

The First Sunday

Image by <a href="">Stefanie Jockschat</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Welcome to the first Sunday of 2025. A day of rest? A day of reflection? A day of preparation? YES, YES, and YES.

This first Sunday should be the one that sets the standard for the remaining 50 Sundays. Yep, there are only 51 total for the year.

Setting Standards?

Standards are what keep you grounded. They help in getting you focused on what needs to be done and what you want to do. By addressing what needs to be done, you have a sense of accomplishment that you will want to repeat. Setting the standard now and adhering to it now, creates an expectation of wanting to repeatedly accomplish what you start and ultimately you will want to accomplish more. Then, over time, you get to incorporate what you want to do (Think Hobby Becoming A Passion).

Take the rest of today to work on the standards and get them set before the sun goes down. Do not delay. You will Thank yourself.

Thank you for your time,
David Guerra

— Follow me on Social Media —
X: daveguerra
Instagram: dave_guerra
Facebook: thedavidguerra


The Day After…

Image by <a href="">Jeff Jacobs</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Yesterday, we celebrated an event of epic & legendary proportions. The birth of Jesus Christ. A Savior to the masses, a Prophet to many, an enigma or curiosity to others. Many of us celebrated the day by continuing the traditions that have been set before us: Family, Food, Merriment, Cheer, Food, Joy, Laughter, and Love. Did I mention food?
Today, we continue to be in good spirit and good cheer because it is contagious. However, a harsh reality sets in when we move away from the 25th day of December and face the realities that are the other days of the year.
Should they be harsh? No!
They should, however, not be as full of joy and merriment as the holiday season. It is Joy and Merriment that makes the holiday season special. The remaining days of the year are there to tell us that there is work that needs to be done. This does not have to be a time for back and forth and ONE-UPMANSHIP (the art or practice of outdoing or keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor).
There must be a balance between all things. There must be attempts made to make all things better. However, egos are finicky things to work with but if you want to be better and make life better then be prepared to fight the good fight and work with the egos, of others, all in an effort to make things better. However, should you come across someone that expects it to be “their way or the highway” there is only one appropriate response and you will know what the response will be when your gut tells you. Remember, our lives will get better when we, ALL OF US, want it and will do what it takes to make it happen.

Thank you for your time,
– David Guerra

— Follow me on Social Media —
X: daveguerra
Instagram: dave_guerra
Facebook: thedavidguerra