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David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Thursday February 9, 2017

Change Affects Everyone

Since the inauguration of President Trump we have seen true evidence that change does affect everyone.

No one is immune to change. Accepting the fact that change impacts everyone is the first step to moving beyond the change and into the outcome as quickly as possible.

As I have said change is a constant so we are constantly moving from one change to the next to the next and so on. How can it not affect everyone? Remember no one is immune, the impact however might not be as extreme to one as it is to those that are directly affected by the change but it impacts you and me nonetheless.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra

blog Change Daily Challenge Daily Dave Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Video Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Wednesday February 8, 2017

You can run with change or against it

Keeping with the theme of change. Today, I want to talk about running with change. There will be times that change will give you a long warning before it happens. You’ve heard the old adage “see the writing on the wall” when you know there is writing on the wall that change is coming then it is up to you to decide whether you want to actually see it and do something about it or not.

You can ignore it and blindly see yourself immune from the oncoming change. Folks, when change comes no one is immune to it. It cannot be ignored. When you see the writing on the wall, is the time for you to act. Of course you can run with change and take the necessary actions to address the issues once change is put into play or you can run against it and scramble when change occurs.

See the writing on the wall. It is always there and it will always be there.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra

blog Change Daily Challenge Daily Dave Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Video Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Tuesday February 7, 2017

How you face the change is up to you.

As we talked about constant change there is a little more left to go deeper into it.

There is a time known as the “transition period” that occurs during “between where you were and where you are going”. It can be painful and is expected on your journey of finding purpose of the change and your purpose after the change.

Please remember and recognize that there is purpose in the transition, in the pain, or in the process of change.

As you go through the change each step you take is helping you realize who you are and what you will become after the change has occurred. It is at this time that you have to decide whether you go in the direction of regret or resist, or turn inward and embrace the journey of change both during and after.

Every one of has done it and we will do it again. What we do and how we do it when we face change is purely up to us.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra