blog Leadership Motivation Tips Walking Leader


DISRUPTIVE-SHARPIERemember when the ‪‎Sharpie‬® was ‪DISRUPTIVE‬?

Most of you are too young to remember when the Plain Old Sharpie was the new kid on the block.

The ‪Pen‬ industry hated the Sharpie because people were no longer going to scratch out errors with pens.

Parents‬ and ‪Teachers‬ hated it because of the graffiti on the ‪#‎bedroom‬ and ‪#‎classroom‬ walls that was going to be so very difficult to remove.

Printers hated the Sharpie because people no longer needed them to print up those fancy colored banners, flyers and posters.

Marks-A-Lot®  is a VERY serious ‪competition‬ but not good enough to over take Sharpie®.

NOW, the SHARPIE industry is BOOMING. Companies were founded and jobs were created with the sole purpose of removing SHARPIE based ‪‎graffiti‬ from walls. Last time I checked, Marks-A-Lot and other permanent ‪marker‬ or indelible marker companies are very much in ‪business‬.

That’s a well and good but sadly over the years the good old Sharpie is NO LONGER a disruption. The Sharpie is now just part of the modern workplace background. Sure they have delivered with more colors and styles but never could they return to that fantastic moment of disruption. Then again, that is a company not an individual. Individuals must be disruptive. Constantly disruptive.

From an early age, we are disruptive. We want need attention from our mother, our father, our family, the world around us.


STAY DISRUPTIVE or become part of the background.

The choice is yours! Personally, I prefer you, me, all of us be as DISRUPTIVE as possible for as long as possible.



Leadership Motivation Tips Walking Leader

Friday Morning Checklist


Before lunch check with ALL Staff:

  1. How are things going?
  2. Do they have all the necessary tools and supplies to get the job done today? (HINT: Coffee is a necessary tool)
  3. Is there anything that cannot be completed by close of business?
  4. Is there anything, with a little help, can be completed by close of business?
  5. Get in there and help, if they need the help!

blog Current Events Leadership Motivation

Leadership in the News: Don’t Do The Crime If You Can’t Do The Time (an Ashley Madison Hack Tragedy)

A Father, Professor, and Pastor took his own life. It seems that this man was a member of the Ashley Madison website (if you don’t know what it is please look it up on your own). Recently, the website was hacked and ALL the info of members of that website were posted on several locations throughout the Internet. Some prominent names appeared on the AM membership rolls as did plain, old everyday people.

However, it seems that the Pastor felt that he could not deal with the potential of being found out as an individual that wanted a little something that the website could give him (or offered). Was it shame or that he felt he let his family down or those that looked up to him? He must have been in a dark place? Thus, the only solution he saw for himself was to take his own life.

Folks, LIFE IS NEVER THAT BAD. Everything can be fixed. Of all the people on that hacked list, he was probably one of the few that truly knew this and more than likely said the exact same thing to others, living in their own dark place, throughout his career as a Pastor.

What you do on your own time is your business. However, when that starts to affect your profession then it might be time to reconsider your actions. Change your ways and get yourself back on track.

The point I am making is if you do the crime you better be prepared to do the time. Thus if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. Be strong, face it head on and deal with it.

Personally, I believe that if the individual had stepped up and admitted the issue it would have made him a stronger person and a stronger leader. He could have turned this perceived negative into very much a positive. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

When adversity (real or perceived) strikes, it becomes the time for real leaders to step up and shine. Of course, if the adversity is of their own doing then it only serves to show her followers that the leader is human and will make mistakes. It is NOT the time to fall and refuse to get up one more time.

A leader that believes himself to be a true leader will get back up each and every time.
Please don’t be the next one to stay down. You must to stand up.

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