blog Change Inspiration Motivation Tips Walking Leader

The Importance of Eating Breakfast – Day 2

Day 2 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Tony the Tiger® has been telling us, for many years, that eating a well-balanced and nourishing breakfast is GRREEEAAATTTT! I agree 100%.

However, who has time to prepare and eat a full balanced meal? Heck, I was happy if I could down my second cup of coffee before I had to hit the road. I know I was not alone in this. My business partner has this unwritten rule of NO BREAKFAST (not even a cup of coffee). YIKES!!!

Seriously, I have recently taken up with eating breakfast on a regular basis. If you plan your meal just right there is nothing that will cause you to gain weight or make you feel sluggish. If anything finding YOUR right menu will not only energize you but it will start you down the RIGHT path to weight loss as you will be eating three squares a day and NOT stuffing your face at the Chinese buffet come lunch time to make up for skipped morning meal.

Eat Breakfast Every Morning!

As I wrote, Breakfast will also recharge your energy reserves that were depleted over the 8 hours or so of sleeping. Restore the spent vitamins and minerals that your body used and still needs throughout the day. It will also help you feel not as hungry when you walk past the buffet line.

Seriously, get up just a few minutes early, make yourself a simple breakfast. I’m not talking a full English breakfast consisting of bacon, poached or fried eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, toast with butter, sausages and baked beans, usually served with a mug of tea. Save the full English breakfast for the weekend or the next time you find yourself at the Spindle Lodge in Leicester, U.K. (tell them Dave sent you!).

If you are stuck as to what to make/eat I recommend plenty of protein and plenty of liquids (water, coffee, tea). Give that a try. (Did you notice I made NO mention of starches (no toast, no hash browns)? You’ll get those later in the day. Besides why would you want to mess with the work your body has done all night long?

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Be Strong. Be Fearless. Be Wise.


I am strong because I have been weak.
I am fearless because I have been afraid.
I am wise because I have been foolish.

Can you say those words? Can you make that affirmation or will it make you feel weak, afraid, and foolish in front of others?

There is nothing wrong with looking like a fool or being afraid or appearing weak? Yet, too many people would rather live a mediocre life because they are afraid of walking out on the ice. Not knowing how thick or thin, it is. Are you afraid of looking like a fool when you speak to a crowd but nobody hears? Scared of being perceived as weak because your hopes and dreams are not the same as anyone else? Well, you are not alone, come in from the fear.

Too many times, we don’t do what we believe we should do because of what will the neighbors think.
To put it bluntly; screw what others think or believe.

They are not the dream of dreams and most certainly, they are no prize. Though they might believe they are but we know better. They are just regular everyday people who have their own problems, shame, guilt, and most of all, their own shortcomings. Just like you and I do. They might not show it because they are working at creating a façade that looks pretty but serves no true purpose. Add that to their feeble attempts to try dictating the conversation or manipulating the impressions of others. In the end, what does that get you? Nothing!
I know what it is like to be laughed at. I know what it is to be called a coward. I also know exactly what it is to be called a joke. Whether they want to read it or not or admit it or not, I have been called a coward, a joke, and laughed at by, believe it or not, those who I needed the most.

Does that stop me from needing them? No, it does not, as a matter of fact, I need them now more than ever. However, it does stop me from returning to them like a moth to a flame. Once you can break the cycle of returning to the place where you are burned then can you start to grow, change and become better. Nevertheless, for as long as you wallow in that misery and enjoy being burned you become more and more entrenched in that misery.

Remember, I know you are better than that. You can make that change. Admit your shortcomings and start to work on them. Then and only then can you be better than you were yesterday.

On the positive side, I have been called a hero, a wise man, and have had people laugh with me. it is a great feeling knowing that you are respected for what you are and not for what others want you to be or where they would rather keep you, typically beneath them.

That is, unfortunately, more than others can say about themselves.

Be Strong. Be Fearless. Be Wise. Be Better Than You Were Yesterday!


blog Change Inspiration Motivation Tips Walking Leader

Do You Keep A Journal? – Day 1

Day 1 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


If you know me, then you know that I am a History buff. Having played a role in Cold War History, I know the importance of the keeping a journal (a diary). There are numerous reasons people have for keeping a journal maybe just as many reasons that people have for reading other people’s journals/diaries. One reason, I firmly believe is to experience the past the way others lived it. Personally, I cherish the notes, letters, and writings that I created when I was living in Berlin during the mid-1980s. While the notes themselves are NOT great literary works of art they are priceless nonetheless. Priceless to me, at least.

I bet that most people that know me do not know that I have kept some form of a journal since 1985. I have never been 100% faithful to the entry part of keeping a journal but I have been faithful to having a place to write down names, events, exchanges, notes, and what not. For the most part, when I did write I wrote about what struck me as noteworthy on that day. I know some people would be surprised at the level of detail that some of those entries contain. Then again, there are some entries that are quick and to the point such as “September 18, 1986: walked to Andrews with Farrell and picked up two doner kebabs” (it was a Thursday by the way).

So why keep a journal?

There is an old quote from Spanish Philosopher, Essayist, Poet and Novelist: George Santayana in his book “Vol. I, Reason in Common Sense” answers this question: “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Besides in a hundred days from now you can reflect on what you have learned about me or better still what you learned about yourself over the course of these 100 Days, 100 Ways series of blog posts.

Is it difficult to keep a journal?

At first, it appears to be a daunting task but once you get into it you can you can have a good time capturing moments. 2012 compared to 1985 there are more tools available to you than I had then. Now all of us have almost instant (24/7) access to blogs, video, audio recording options on our smart phones and of course, we still have pen and paper (my journal weapons of choice).

The only difficult part is getting started. Thus the challenge has been made, find your weapons of choice and get started journal-ling! Start recording your place in history. Start now!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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