Current Events DareToBe Leadership Motivation Tips

Twitter #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Be Better (Tuesday, January 5, 2016)

Every Tuesday evening at 8pm Eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16).

Every week a different topic. On the evening of January 5, 2015, the topic was BE BETTER. I had the honor of presenting the 10 questions this evening. While I could not capture all the twitter based answers I present to you the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Also, I invite you to follow me on twitter: @DaveGuerra.

  • Q1: How do you define “being better?” #DareToBe
    A1. Being Better to me means constant improvement even if it is just a small step it still is something. #DareToBe
  • Q2: What do you think of individuals that say they want to be better? #DareToBe
    A2. Doing is always better than saying. Show me, don’t tell me. #DareToBe
  • Q3: Do you set overly ambitious goals when it comes to being better? How do you tackle them? #DareToBe
    A3. All goals should be overly ambitious. It is breaking it down to manageable parts that makes it happen. Think marathon one mile at a time #DareToBe
  • Q4: Give an example of something that you are better at today than you were 5 years ago. #daretobe
    A4. Communicating my message. 5yrs ago I didn’t even dare think about writing my first book. #DareToBe
  • Q5: What do you presently want to be better at? #DareToBe
    A5. I want to be a better public speaker. My message is just that important. #DareToBe
  • Q6: How can you prevent the “I’m better than everyone else” syndrome in your quest to be better? #DareToBe
    A6. Stay Humble my friends. That’s the only way. #DareToBe
  • Q7: Have you ever said I will be better at “XYZ” only to fall short? Explain what went wrong/right. #DareToBe
    A7. Not enough experience. Shoot for the moon while landing among the stars is still not the moon. Try again but better #DareToBe
  • Q8: How do you cope with wanting to be better at work only to find that leadership is happy the way things are? #DareToBe
    A8. Take the initiative with small steps. They can reject “better” for only so long. Then change must occur. #DareToBe
  • Q9: What encouragement can you give others to be better, specifically those that are satisfied with who they are? #DareToBe
    A9. Being satisfied gets boring after a while. Take a small step out of the comfort zone #DareToBe
  • Q10: Becoming a better person requires ________________. #DareToBe
    A10. Patience…lots and lots of Patience #DareToBe
  • Q11: In 2016 I will dare to be better than last year by _____________. #DareToBe
    A11. by executing my plans and objectives then creating more plans & objectives to execute #DareToBe

If you like this kind of conversation then I do invite you to join us every week on Twitter. Thanks and as always #DareToBe Unique!

blog Current Events Daily Dave Motivation Podcast Tips Walking Leader

The Daily Dave #005 (10 Jan 16) – by David Guerra

Square_TitleGood Sunday All!
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series which I am tentatively calling “The Daily Dave” and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I talk about lazy Sunday mornings, burning two hours and not trying to recover that lost time. Just enjoy it!

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blog Current Events Daily Dave Motivation Podcast

The Daily Dave #004 (09 Jan 16) by David Guerra

Square_TitleHappy Saturday Everyone!
Today, I continue my new audio / podcast series which I am tentatively calling “The Daily Dave” and I will do so until I can or you can come up with a new or different name.

The purpose is simple: Talk and share about what’s happening in life and our lives in Business, Personal, and Social Media side of things

In this episode, I am talk about waking up too early on a Saturday morning and revisions on my latest book, Parade Season.