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A Short Essay on Daily Journal Writing…

Journal writing is a powerful tool that can have numerous benefits for individuals who choose to engage in it daily. One of the main advantages of daily journal writing is the opportunity to improve one’s mental health. By taking the time to write down thoughts and emotions, individuals can gain clarity on their feelings and work through any challenges they may be facing. This can lead to reduced stress, anxiety, and even improved mood and overall well-being.

pens and 3x5 cards

Another benefit of daily journal writing is the opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Writing in a journal allows individuals to track their progress, set goals, and identify patterns in their thoughts and behaviors. This self-awareness can lead to increased self-confidence and motivation, as individuals are able to see their strengths and areas for improvement clearly laid out on paper.

In addition to the mental and emotional benefits of journal writing, it can also improve writing skills and creativity. Daily writing practice helps individuals become more comfortable expressing themselves on paper, which can be beneficial in academic, professional, and personal settings. Journal writing also provides a creative outlet for individuals to explore their imaginations and delve into their inner thoughts and desires.

Furthermore, journal writing can serve as a form of record-keeping, allowing individuals to document important events and memories in their lives. Looking back on past journal entries can evoke feelings of nostalgia and reflection, providing a valuable opportunity for personal growth and perspective. Journal writing can also serve as a creative outlet for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and private space.

Overall, the benefits of daily journal writing are numerous and far-reaching. From improved mental health and self-awareness to enhanced writing skills and creativity, the act of writing in a journal can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals. By taking the time to engage in daily journal writing, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

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Well, are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to begin your daily journal writing journey?

It is not that difficult and takes almost no effort at all. All you need is a pen (or pencil) and a sheet of paper. Once you have that, nothing can stop you.

Remember, every day is an adventure!

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2025: So What If The Words Ain’t Rhyming?

Where I spent my morning.
Where I spent my morning.

Today, Wednesday, February 5, 2025, was a day of another first for me. Today, I participated in a rite of passage for all of us that have achieved a certain age. A medical procedure that while is considered invasive is does not feel like it. Well, after the procedure it felt like it was over before it started.

The preparation leading up to this life event, now that was something that felt was never going to end. Before anybody tells you drinking a gallon of laxative over the course of several hours is the most difficult part of a colonoscopy, they are right!

It was most certainly the most dreaded part of the process, I heard horror stories about the 1 Gallon of Liquid Hell and the “immediate” reactions. For the grossly curious, I started after I finished the gallon.

So what does this have to with anything?

It has everything to do with everything, everywhere. It has to do with the obvious: Everyone that can should have a colonoscopy. Consider it part of being proactive when it comes to your health.

It is also a good test of how your digestive system is working. Again, being proactive.

Again, so what does this have to with anything?

Take Care of Yourself and Be Proactive!

About Me Accountability blog Ethical Behavior Ethics Leadership

2025 – Let Slip The Flying Monkeys

Image by <a href="">Pete Linforth</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

As we go into the start of a new month and the first weekend of February; the new year remains fresh. It is correct and proper to take time to reflect on the past, the present, and the future. We should always take time to do so.

But, taking time to reflect should always be without blinders and without bias. For those humble enough to accept their flaws without taking a defensive stance know they are not perfect and work hard to always be improving. Always being better than they were yesterday.

Yet, reality shows us those which pure, authentic, and genuine humility are not always in the majority. That is fine because those that are egotistical, lack humility, and have an arrogance which overcomes them are also not in the majority.

Those who have let their ego, arrogance, and sense of entitlement get away from them because no one has ever held them accountable. They have been doing what they do for too long. A stereotype sets in which centers on those lacking self-control and humility getting a free pass at life. It is those that continue to go unchecked and not held accountable going down a path leading to them becoming anything but decent human beings.
The way they behave, the different “faces” (façades) they share with family, friends, and total strangers are too many to believe. When called out, a “victim” mentality kicks in. Not for self-preservation, but to gain blind sympathy of those that are allowed to see the one side, never having the guts to question or attempt to look at the other side.

Those that do not look at the other side do so in fear of becoming the butt of the egoist’s jokes, bad-mouthing, and scapegoating. They fear getting on the egoist’s bad side. So, they flip/flop. They become Cowards. I was a coward (like those that remain now), but I took a stand. Enough was enough of that nonsense. I questioned the actions of the egoist. I called the egoist’s bluff, and true to form, I quickly become the “wrong-doer” and they were born again as the victim. True to form the egotistical narcissist became the victim solely to gain a new gaggle of flying monkeys to help feed the ego. Replacing one for many.

Do not get me wrong, this is not a hit piece, that kind of anger is gone now all that remains is bitterness. What spurred this? Recently, I came across something that has me begging the question: If after years you continue to bring the drama, stir the pot, bad mouth others all while demanding people kiss your ring, can you really call yourself a decent human being?

Folks, they say time heals all wounds. A word of advice/warning: some wounds are never meant to heal while the individual continues to pick at the scabs.

Thank you for indulging me,
David Guerra, MA, MBA

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