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David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Thursday February 2, 2017


Happy Groundhog Day! Life is a cycle and remember that life is always a cycle but you can change it. Remember the movie “Groundhog Day: with Bill Murray and Punxsutawney Phil?

It is one great movie. It’s where Bill Murray’s character is doomed to repeat
the same day over and over again for an estimated ten years. How they figured it out is that someone took the time to figure out how it takes to learn how to do the things Murray’s character learned to do and they came up with approximately with ten years. So it’s a great movie, it’s a funny movie, it’s hilarious but it’s also a very serious and sad movie.

It’s a movie about change and if we don’t do something those things we must change we are doomed to repeat the problems, mistakes, the relationships and every other part of every everyday life that makes us miserable.

Today is a great example of a day to take time and look at things and see what makes us miserable and making that change.

As I talked about yesterday about changing course, changing our course the reviewing our journey, and those things we need to really pay attention to. Because again, if we don’t do something now it’s just going to make us miserable. It’s going to set us up for failure and who likes failure?
I don’t, you know I don’t but it’s part of life. Don’t get me wrong, it is
part of life even though we don’t like it.

There’s the good things, there’s the bad things, and that’s just the way it is but if we don’t actively go out and try to make a change in a relationship or try to make a change in our daily routine. Take a different way to work. Go someplace else for lunch.
Eat a different brand new fruit or something. Unless you try something different you’re never going to know and you’re never going to try to make things better.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra