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Everyone wants to know what is going. Everyone wants a piece of the action. Everyone must know what is going on.

Your people want to know what is going. You and I know that sometimes not all information can be passed along. Security and Privacy are two factors as to why withholding information is necessary.

However, that should never be the sole reason for withholding ALL the information. A leader that truly cares about his people / his followers will deliver just enough information that should hold people over until more information can be revealed or released.

Additionally, a LEADER should NEVER be the source of rumors. A true leader will everything within his power to quash all rumors and ensure that those that do exist end with the leader. It is a leader’s responsibility to ensure that spreading of rumors stops, not condoning their continuation or to begin, in the first place.

People will always want more. In highly sensitive matters, be careful or giving just enough information will become a slippery slope and you will find yourself in a place you have been warned to avoid.

Here is the fine line: Do you very best to keep them informed. Informed people are better understanding when it comes to accepting change. Informed people are easier to see what you bring to the table, as a leader & as a member of the organization. Informed people are more apt to follow a leader that does not pull any punches and delivers on her promise to bring valid, honest information.

Be that Leader!

David G. Guerra, M.B.A.

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