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David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Sunday February 5, 2017

Sunday February 5, 2017 – Take Time To Enjoy The Game

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Today is that one day out of the year that people stop for a couple of hours and enjoy the majesty of one of the greatest sports spectacles. Today all across this nation people will assemble to cheer NFL teams that have neither heard of or care for. That’s alright.

Sure there are those that will cheer for the underdog and those that will cheer for perennial favorite and I say good for them

Today is also the day that we, the non-fans of the teams that are playing, can stop and put our cares aside and just root for the game of football. Nothing more, nothing less.

Take today as an opportunity to enjoy why you are a fan of the game of Football. American Football as they call it overseas.

There is nothing wrong with just enjoying the reason you are a fan of the Houston Texans or Green Bay Packers or any other lesser team.

What I am saying is take the time today to just enjoy the time with friends, family, and strangers (if you are so inclined) and most of all. Enjoy yourself!


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra


blog Daily Challenge Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Saturday February 4, 2017

Saturday February 4, 2017 – Start Writing A 100-Word Daily Journal

100 words is about two paragraphs. Summarize the day. Just the Highlights. Good or Bad. Sad or Happy. It does not matter what matters is that you start chronicling your day.

Then one month from now go back and review what happened. Then six months. Then one year. You will start to see things, trends that you thought were never there or happening.

And it is right there that you can begin to make change. REAL SUSTAINABLE change.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra

blog Daily Dave Decisionmaking Followership Inspiration Leadership Mentor Motivation Tips Training Video Walking Leader

David Guerra’s Daily Challenge for Friday February 3, 2017

Remember, we’ve heard it all our lives and it’s just to remember the journey is more important than the destination.

In the final goal, in what you are trying to achieve it is the journey. That is what it’s all about. Sure reaching goals and achieving what we want to achieve is important. It is very important but the the process that gets us there from
point A to point B or point Z, that’s part of growing, that is part of
learning. That is part of becoming who we want to become, who we want to be.

At the end of that you know it was a journey when I started writing my
first book but I wasn’t done with my journey. Sure I finished the first
book, so it’s point B. I said to myself “you know what, I got to get the point C” and started writing my next book and so on and so on.

Its the same thing with these Daily Challenge videos. I mean I’m up to almost a 185 videos. I started the first one and well “let’s do the second one”, let’s do the third, and now about hundred eighty five or so videos (in that range) and what I’m getting at is you know the good stuff is the learning. It’s the stuff that makes us stronger, stuff that makes us grow. It is the stuff that shows us we can do it and when we can do it that’s where the reward is.

It’s the journey, not the destination. So remember the journey is more important than the destination because say you want to go to Europe. Well you go to Europe then you come home. What’s next? You want to go to Asia, you go. It’s the getting there, the standing in line, flying in that airplane, who you are traveling with, the whole nine yards. I hope you get what I’m talking about.

The journey is more important than the final destination or achieving your goals or whatever it is you’re trying to do. Keep Traveling.


What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra