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A Short Essay on Daily Journal Writing…

Journal writing is a powerful tool that can have numerous benefits for individuals who choose to engage in it daily. One of the main advantages of daily journal writing is the opportunity to improve one’s mental health. By taking the time to write down thoughts and emotions, individuals can gain clarity on their feelings and work through any challenges they may be facing. This can lead to reduced stress, anxiety, and even improved mood and overall well-being.

pens and 3x5 cards

Another benefit of daily journal writing is the opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Writing in a journal allows individuals to track their progress, set goals, and identify patterns in their thoughts and behaviors. This self-awareness can lead to increased self-confidence and motivation, as individuals are able to see their strengths and areas for improvement clearly laid out on paper.

In addition to the mental and emotional benefits of journal writing, it can also improve writing skills and creativity. Daily writing practice helps individuals become more comfortable expressing themselves on paper, which can be beneficial in academic, professional, and personal settings. Journal writing also provides a creative outlet for individuals to explore their imaginations and delve into their inner thoughts and desires.

Furthermore, journal writing can serve as a form of record-keeping, allowing individuals to document important events and memories in their lives. Looking back on past journal entries can evoke feelings of nostalgia and reflection, providing a valuable opportunity for personal growth and perspective. Journal writing can also serve as a creative outlet for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and private space.

Overall, the benefits of daily journal writing are numerous and far-reaching. From improved mental health and self-awareness to enhanced writing skills and creativity, the act of writing in a journal can have a profound impact on the lives of individuals. By taking the time to engage in daily journal writing, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

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Well, are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to begin your daily journal writing journey?

It is not that difficult and takes almost no effort at all. All you need is a pen (or pencil) and a sheet of paper. Once you have that, nothing can stop you.

Remember, every day is an adventure!

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2024: Daily Journal (revisted)

It is now the middle of September 2024. In a few days FALL will officially begin and you know what that means! That’s right, the start of the 2024 HOLIDAY SEASON will be well underway. Pay no mind that our local Wal-Mart Supercenter already has their Christmas section in full effect. Sadly, almost as quickly as it starts, the holiday season is over. POOF! In an instant we sit with a new year ahead of us.

Another year with an empty calendar of 365 days and loaded with promises of better days. However, as reality starts to set in we recognize that there will be good times along with the bad. It is just life. That is why we must make the best of the time we have for life is very brief..
To make the best of the time we have, it is good to track our journey across the days, months, and years. It is good to look back at what life was like last year, three years ago, and even further back, if possible. However, we should journal to reflect and share emotions, actions, and events but we must not journal to linger on the past.

So, if you have not started journaling monthly, weekly, or ultimately daily, why not start now? I have been journaling through most of my adult life. I do wish I had caught the habit much sooner. In my youth I did log things but nothing formal or recurring or habitual. Nothing to the level or caliber I am doing now. That is OK as I have NO REGRETS.

Remember, no matter how hard we try, we cannot change the past. But we can change our future. Using the tools of the past we can build a better future. Not just for ourselves but for our legacy. Imagine the following situation:

Today, you have a sudden health scare. Nothing major but if left unchecked it can turn into something very debilitating. You look back on recent journal entries and you begin to spot a trend that led to the situation you find yourself in. Soon you take that information to your practitioner and your health is soon back on the right track. Now, fast forward two to three generations down the road, someone is reading your journal (someone will) and they soon discover they are on track to encounter the same health scare you once found yourself in. There is no guarantee it is the same thing that you had but, hey, genetics are funny that way.

Crisis Averted? Maybe! At least, what you journal today can help open someone’s eyes later or at best, save a life.

Again, just something to think about. There are countless possibilities and future uses for your journaling now. Who knows someone might just make a movie about your life. It has happened before.
The thing is to get started. So, get started now. Seriously, what is stopping you? Nothing! Absolutely, nothing is stopping you.

There is no need for a dedicated journal, it helps though. Heck, even one of those black and white composition books will do as does some 3×5 index cards. Just do not forget to date your entries.
As for the writing utensil, our great-grandparents had pencils, you can use a pencil. Remember, a BIC blue ink pen works just as well as a Waldmann Fountain Pen – Private Eye of Baker Street (Limited Edition) (MSRP $21,200.00USD). Leaving your mark on a piece of paper is all that matters.

Thanks for your time,
David Guerra

P.S. Check out the link to the Waldmann Fountain Pen it will take you to the Goulet Pens website

blog short story Writing

HER & HIM (Part II) by David Guerra

HER & HIM (the story continues) by David Guerra

The scene is the family kitchen and word has gotten back to them that a family member has betrayed their trust and has taken a mundane situation, twisted it and spun it so far out of control that people are starting to believe the situation is worse than what it truly is.


“You have got to realize,” he says as he takes a deep breath, “Being far away tends to skew the side of the conversation to the closest and certainly the loudest. By being present, the owner of the conversation can dictate its ebb and flow and most certainly its bias.

That may be why when the gap of distance is closed, and you remember this, the loud one cowered away, retracted to its dark corner, played the role of pity seeker and most certainly kept quiet because that was the best way to preserve the version of the truth that person has so skillfully played over and over in the minds of others. Did any of them ever stop to ask why?

No! No one ever bothers to ask. That is because the REAL cowardice comes from those that would rather hear the version already spoken and never ask whether there is truth to the words being spoken. So long, as there are cowards that want to hear the juicier side of the truth there will be a puppeteer dangling the strings and manipulating others.”

“Yes, I understand but why is it always the ones that are closest?” with a little sadness and frustration in her voice she asks.

“That is a good question. Jealousy, Anger, Fear, Strife, petty competition but mostly it is jealousy.”


“We both know they wish they had half of what we have in our love and commitment to one another. They don’t want to covet it but they want it. They want it so bad they can taste it. What gets them is the realization that they are not willing to put in the hard work to get anywhere close to what we have. As Veruca Salt said in her song before she plunged down the bad egg indicator, ‘I don’t care how, I want it now.'” he reassured her.

“Why take it out on us, belittling us and twisting the truth?” she immediately adds, “you don’t have to answer that, I know.”

“Besides you and I know the truth,” he pulls her close, “and that is all that matters.”

“I know but it hurts.”

“I know,” he replies as he kisses her on the forehead and hugs just a little tighter.

More on the continuing saga of him and her coming soon.

