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2024: What Is Your Message?

In a world overflowing with information, where is your message? Among all the noise, static, and attention seeking where is your message? Do not forget to throw opinions into the mix…there lots and lots of opinions out there and where is your message?

Is your message being heard? Is your message being understood? You have a message and that message must get through.

Folks, getting your message through is a struggle. Then to get your message understood is an uphill climb.

If I may impart one tip on getting your message through and understood it is this: YOU MUST FIRST KNOW WHAT YOUR MESSAGE IS, THEN YOU CAN PROPERLY CONVEY IT TO OTHERS.

Yes, it does fall on YOU to know your message. Know your message from stem to stern. No exceptions and most importantly, NO SHORTCUTS!

To get to know your message you must first get to know yourself.

It does not matter what your message is, what matters is you knowing that your message is an extension of who you are and what you stand for. FAILING THAT AND YOUR MESSAGE WILL GET LOST.

Again, it does not matter who you are or who you think you are, if you and your message do not align then you have NO MESSAGE.

There is no HACK, no TRICK, no TIP, all there is, taking the time to get know yourself and your message will be realized. Do not rush it. Do not try to speed through the process to get your message. I guarantee you that if you go speeding through your message it will be nothing but a jumbled mess.

It will join its rightful place among all the other jumbled, mixed up noise out in the ether.

At that point, you have to ask yourself, why bother?

Why bother, indeed? If no one is hearing let along understanding your message, then it is high time to make a change. CHANGE your message so that it can be easily understood. Then CHANGE the way you are delivering your message.

Now you might not get it right the first time. Keep working at it. Keep Trying.

At the end of the day, there is only one question to ask and the answer will determine whether your message can be found (or not): What’s Your Message?

Thanks for your time,

Accountability blog Change Ethics Inspiration Leadership Motivation Walking Leader

2024: Fall and Bounce Back

We all fall. Sometimes we fall because we stumble over our own two feet and then there are times that others will do what they can to ensure that we find ourselves on our backs looking up.

No matter the reason, and most of all, no matter who is the one knocking us down there is only one thing that we must do: BOUNCE BACK!

We have no time for anything else but to bounce back and rise strong.

You fall and get back up so many times, that resilience eventually becomes an art. The art of resiliency?

While everyone wants to succeed and to never have to fall to bounce back.

Folks, life is not that way. Life will knock you down and you will have to bounce back.

For those that are hell bent on believing that reality does not apply to them, they are in for a very rude awakening.
Seriously, those that truly believe that falling, failing, and getting back up again does not apply to them then most certainly are going to be found in one of two places: EMERGENCY ROOMS or PRISONS.

That is because both are full of people that really believe they could get away with it and not have to worry about falling and getting back up, again.

Accountability or the lack thereof is what put those individuals where they find themselves.

When it comes to falling or failing and bouncing back always remember the following:

Falling is part of the process.
Getting back up is also part of the process.

There is NOTHING you can do to circumvent those facts.

However, there is something you can do to move through and beyond those facts.

As I mentioned you can MASTER the art of falling and bouncing back.

You may be thinking to yourself that you do not have the time to master falling and bouncing back. Please do not kid yourself. It is going to happen and a word of advice, the SOONER you master falling and bouncing back the sooner you will get to the success you truly want to achieve.

Again, I do understand that you do not want to go through failures to get to the success. Trust me, I do.

However, when it comes down to brass tacks it is part of life. We will have our ups and downs. It is non-negotiable. Again, that is all part of life. Those that choose to ignore that fact, well you know where we can find them. Yep, emergency rooms and prisons.

As for the ones that gave up getting back up, gave up on bouncing back, we find them right where they have always been. We find in the exact same place they were last week, last month, and sadly, right where they were this time last year.

Usually, those individuals are also found playing the victim.

They play the victim crying that the system is rigged or someone is out to get them.

I have seen these individuals first hand and it all comes back to lack of accountability and failing to hold themselves responsible to get to where they want to be. They lack the grit and determination to see themselves do what it takes to reach the finish line.

They blame others when there is absolutely no reason to.

It is through grit, determination, and lots and lots of self-discipline that will help take you to where you want to be, where you need to be, and most of all, having grit, determination, and self-discipline is how you bounce back better after falling.


Accountability Change Leadership Leadership Principles Mentor Motivation Walking Leader

2024: Embrace Change and the Unknown

While January 2024 is already half over, this year promises to move just as fast as 2023.
While things may be moving fast, two things are certain about 2024.

There is CHANGE and the UNKNOWN.

Anytime is the right time for change and of course, it is also the right to face the unknown.

Anytime is the right time to face the unknown?

Yes! There is no wrong time. The unknown is always out there! So why put it off?

Is it fear? If it is fear of the unknown, well it is time to grow up and deal with it.

Remember, the unknown is just that! Something that has not yet been revealed. See, once something is revealed then it is known. Then what is there to fear.

The same thing with change. There are far too many people that fear change just as much if not more than they fear the unknown.

To them change is bad. Change is the will of others being forced on them. While in some forms this is true. For the most part, changes are never permanent but change most certainly is.

However, change and the unknown are always close by one another. You very seldom find one with the other. That is just how it goes. When it comes to change you may know what is coming but rarely do you know what is on the other side of that change: the unknown.

As I have alluded to, many human beings do not like change and the unknown.

However, it does not take very much to embrace change and the unknown.

Consider embracing change and the unknown as the catalyst towards growth. The kind of growth that makes you a better person. The kind of growth that you have always wanted but were afraid to try. The kind of growth that you have seen others attain which motivated and inspired you to try to attain to be better.

You can do it. You can embrace the change by changing your perspective. This change is simple.

START looking at your life as one thing: as an ADVENTURE.

An ADVENTURE you are wanting to undertake. An adventure that will give change you and your life. It will change everything about YOU.

As you move through your ADVENTURE, embracing change and the unknown, you will also grow. You will be in the zone of growth that others can only imagine. Treat today and every day for the rest of your life as an ADVENTURE and nothing can stop you.

Treating life like an ADVENTURE means you know you are going to face the unknown, the change, and most of all you will be moving through the uncharted territory that is your life.