For some odd reason or another, I have discovered that individuals that are all show and no go have the most followers. While the individuals that keep their word find themselves as the odd-man out. Strange.
Strange indeed!
How must it feel to be an individual living life as a someone who talks a good game but delivers nothing on those words.
We all know someone like that, someone who promises the moon and cannot deliver dust. Yet, they continue delivering their pipe-dreams and making unfulfillable promises.
Most peculiar is that the individual that keeps their word is one the most scrutinized when they deliver on their dreams or fulfill their promises. How dare they keep their word?
This is where and when those that keep their words start to separate themselves from the rest of the pack. With great consistently delivering on what you say you are going to do, will move you to the ABOVE AVERAGE level of life.
As I have unswervingly stated time and again, improving on yourself will positively impact your level of SELF-RESPECT.
Thus, while it may make you unpopular (because those that fail to keep their word do not like those that do keep their word as it makes them look bad. But then again, your SELF-RESPECT is all you have to worry about. That is, if you have any to begin with.
Yet, if you want to have some SELF-RESPECT, my advice to you: KEEP YOUR WORD & FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF.
I am DAVID GUERRA and I said this.