This week’s CHART focuses on YOUR Expectations of Getting Because You Give

Please pay attention the entire chart. If you are not paying attention, you WILL miss it.
On the left side (the VERTICAL), is YOUR level of Expecting Something in Return AFTER you gave something. The scale goes from HIGH Expectation to Low Expectation.
On the bottom (the HORIZONTAL), is WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GET BACK. The scale goes from the left, tagged as LITTLE, to the right, tagged as NONE. That’s right it goes from LITTLE to NONE!
Folks, if you want to live a VERY HAPPY LIFE then just STOP expecting something in return after you gave something. Unless, you are in a department store and you pay for something they you better get something in return. That is call COMMERCE.
However, as we are in the season of giving, please DO NOT expect to get anything back. Go around flaunting that you gave with the sole intention of getting a compliment or a pat on the back; seriously?
If you expecting something in return is why you do things, then do yourself a huge favor and STOP GIVING. Give because you want to and NOT because you want the accolades and validation. Seriously, just stop.
I am David Guerra and I said this!