
GET ORGANIZED (Day 61) by David Guerra

Day 61 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Though it may be easier said than done, it can be done. As with anything that involves change you have to start easy and proceed with small steps. Begin by picking one thing that you know is a disorganized part of your life and master it. Then move on to the next thing to organize.

As a suggestion, start with the mail. Not email but the mail that gets delivered by the US Postal Service. Just about everyone that I know have stacks of mail that they don’t go through with the exception of the bills. Simple enough to start here so do it!

Get a handle on your stacks of mail and then act on it every day.

Once you MASTER that, which was disorganized, in this case the mail, then work your way up to your desk and eventually get your email organized (which tends to be the most disorganized).

Once organized you will have time available that you didn’t know you had.

Remember, START SMALL and the rest will work itself out. Once you have mastered getting organized, staying organized will be easier than getting disorganized.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Day 60 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


There are countless reasons why HELPING OTHERS has a long, deep, and far reaching ripple effect! Did you know that helping others also helps you? Yep, you help yourself every time you help others.

You help yourself by feeling good about yourself; your SELF-ESTEEM gets a big boost. Your interpersonal relationship skills get better. You open yourself up to be trusted and you trust others. Strangers become Friends. All of those are good feelings, good emotions, and a good way to live.

So grab yourself a hammer, a pen, or a hand and go HELP SOMEONE.

Who knows the person you help today may be the very same person that will help you later.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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GROW FROM YOUR MISTAKES (Day 59) by David Guerra

Day 59 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


We all make mistakes. We are made of mistakes. Our lives are full of mistakes and will contain many, many more mistakes.

Our future will be determined by our mistakes. There are ONLY two paths that we can take when it comes to the future. 1) We can continue to make mistakes we have made in the past or 2) we can learn and grow from the mistakes and do what it takes to avoid them from happening again.

Really! Only two paths to take.

It is that simple: Let the mistake happen, Admit to the mistake, Recognize and Understand what happened and why.

Then when you find yourself in that situation again you can act in a way that will not yield the same return/response thus making sure the mistake is avoided. That’s how you grow as an individual from your mistakes.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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