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on AUTHENTICITY by David Guerra

Dave on Authenticity

What is AUTHENTICITY? Great question. Sometimes, we have to stop and think about this. Are we truly authentic or are we just going through the motions? To be authentic, we should be asking that question all the time. As we ask that question, all the time, then it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, we are more than likely answering honestly. Otherwise, why bother? I mean, you will only be fooling yourself.

Now to answer the question of what is AUTHENTICITY?

Authenticity is about as real as you can get. It is the true definition of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Anything less, is not authentic. Of course, everyone has different standards on what authenticity is and how they interpret it. Be aware and remain cognizant of that fact, otherwise you will greatly disappointed when others do not think, behave, or act like you. That is all right, being different and unique is part of being authentic, so expect that.

Now there will be times when interacting with others that you will be told to “keep it real” do not take it too personally. Remember what I wrote about everyone have different perspectives. However, you should check yourself to ensure you remove any “fluff” that may have crept in during the dialogue, monologue, or any exchange of information. The best advice here is to get to the heart of the matter as soon as possible without pulling any punches.

Remember, you are a leader and as a leader you are expected to remain authentic 100% of the time. You cannot be a part time leader. Please do not ever think you can half-ass your way into becoming a leader, let alone an authentic leader. You have to commit all the time, non-stop, you have to be a leader with a mindset something like General George S. Patton described when he said, “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” Meaning, that there is no time to waste, know who you lead and then do it.

Being authentic when it comes to being a leader means you have what it takes to be that leader. To be the leader that has demonstrated that his or her values and beliefs are on display every time the leader does something. This is critical, in that people are watching. As people are always watching and that means, clearly, the leader must be the example.

To be the example, you have to take time to “keep yourself real”. As a human being, you have to take the time to stay grounded. Grounded in the reality that is the here and now. By staying grounded and keeping yourself real, you can only get better. Remember you can always get better but never perfect. Talk about staying grounded.

While taking the time to stay grounded is excellent, on the other side neglecting to take the time means that you can stop being your true self. This is where the need to impress others with smoke and mirrors creeps in and settles before you know it. Once the need to impress others has settled in, getting out of it may be one of the most difficult things you, as a leader, can do. The smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles can be pretty seductive and the need for it to continue can be overwhelming. Remember, a flash in the pan is not what we need in leaders. Leading is what we need. Leading is what everyone wants and deserves.

Authenticity can go wrong when you continue to sell what has been sold. One starts to question what is going on. Minimizing the questions means there is less smoke, less mirrors and less vagueness in what is going on. As a leader, being transparent will cut down the questions. Being open ensures that others are not led down a wrong path or question why they are following you. That is not a good thing.

To be authentic, stay open, remain transparent and above all be yourself.

David Guerra





COMPARE YOURSELF TO YOU (Day 68) by David Guerra

Day 68 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Everyday people are out there comparing themselves to others. Saying things like “why can’t I be skinny like her”, “If I had the money he does, I could…”, “She has it all and I got squat.” and so on.

Really? Yes, they really are doing that. Heck, you probably compared yourself to someone else no more than 10 minutes ago.

Does it get you anywhere? Does it make you any thinner? Does it make you any richer? Does comparing yourself to others give you everything they have and you want?

Probably not. It probably makes you angry at yourself. It creates emotions and feeling that will fester and eventually sabotage everything beneficial that you do eventually try to do.

You know fully well that comparing yourself to others is NOT BENEFICIAL, it is NOT POSITIVE; it is NOT GOOD FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND. Why not STOP? You can’t! We can’t!

Seeing as how you are going to compare yourself to others NO MATTER WHAT why not compare yourself to you.

Yes, pick yourself from some time in the past and compare you, now, to the “you” of then. Are you better off now or then? If you are better off now; then GOOD FOR YOU!!! If you were better off in the past, then it’s time to get yourself back on track and get to work!

Now that’s a comparison that can do you a world of GOOD.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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PICK YOUR FRIENDS WISELY (Day 67) by David Guerra

Day 67 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


They say you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Well, then I am in VERY GOOD company. What about you?

Do those 5 share your values? or do they tell you that taking the shortcut is the ONLY way to go?

Do they honestly and genuinely want to hear and listen to YOU talk about YOUR goals, hopes, and dreams? or are they ONLY concerned about themselves and what you can DO FOR THEM?

Do they ENCOURAGE you to shoot for the moon? or do they tell you that you can’t do it so why bother?

Seriously, if the path you want to take for your life is paved with those individuals that only care about the next party, who will be buying the next round, or how to get over on others then you might just be on the wrong path.

If you keep veering off that path and into a dark alley way that you will call REGRET come Sunday morning then it’s time to seriously consider removing those who ARE NOT there for you and who ARE ONLY there when you have a ride to offer or a drink to buy.  Even if you know fully well that the behavior may have been somewhat expected of an individual in her early 20s, rest assured it is NOT tolerated NOR expected of a PROFESSIONAL in her late 30s.

However, if you like being dragged into negative behavior like those around you, then I say “good luck to you.”

You have to make a choice and YOU have to know that it will be a difficult journey when it comes to picking the right people to have in your life. The path to getting to those friends that will only make your LIFE BETTER may be a lonely path, an uphill climb but eventually you will clear the way for those individuals that will PUSH you up the hill and brace you for that fast downhill course.

Lastly, when it comes to PICKING YOUR FRIENDS don’t think of tomorrow or of next week, this friendship is a vacancy you mean to PERMANENTLY FILL.


Thank you,
David Guerra

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