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Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff – Day 7

Day 7 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Every day we have to do the things we don’t want to do because there is something about the task that irritates us. This irritation can be as simple as a mosquito buzzing around or the lawn mower next door or some jerk driving like a maniac. Remember, there are some things that are just NOT worth it. Swat the mosquito, remember the yard next door is only so big, and just pull over at the next convenience store and take a break.

You don’t have to put up with the attitude that dealing with small stuff will give you. You control how you feel. Feel better knowing that you don’t have to be irritated by the small stuff and once you start believing and living that fact the big stuff won’t be as bad.

Thank you,

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SMILE :) – Day 6

Day 6 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Did you know that when you smile your brain releases a very power drug into your system? That drug is actually a hormone known as Serotonin. Serotonin has long been thought to be a major contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness in a human being. There you go a free happy drug that your body makes itself and self-administers all because of a smile.

Sounds like good enough reason to go and Smile! SMILE A LOT!

Thank you,

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Be Strong. Be Fearless. Be Wise.


I am strong because I have been weak.
I am fearless because I have been afraid.
I am wise because I have been foolish.

Can you say those words? Can you make that affirmation or will it make you feel weak, afraid, and foolish in front of others?

There is nothing wrong with looking like a fool or being afraid or appearing weak? Yet, too many people would rather live a mediocre life because they are afraid of walking out on the ice. Not knowing how thick or thin, it is. Are you afraid of looking like a fool when you speak to a crowd but nobody hears? Scared of being perceived as weak because your hopes and dreams are not the same as anyone else? Well, you are not alone, come in from the fear.

Too many times, we don’t do what we believe we should do because of what will the neighbors think.
To put it bluntly; screw what others think or believe.

They are not the dream of dreams and most certainly, they are no prize. Though they might believe they are but we know better. They are just regular everyday people who have their own problems, shame, guilt, and most of all, their own shortcomings. Just like you and I do. They might not show it because they are working at creating a façade that looks pretty but serves no true purpose. Add that to their feeble attempts to try dictating the conversation or manipulating the impressions of others. In the end, what does that get you? Nothing!
I know what it is like to be laughed at. I know what it is to be called a coward. I also know exactly what it is to be called a joke. Whether they want to read it or not or admit it or not, I have been called a coward, a joke, and laughed at by, believe it or not, those who I needed the most.

Does that stop me from needing them? No, it does not, as a matter of fact, I need them now more than ever. However, it does stop me from returning to them like a moth to a flame. Once you can break the cycle of returning to the place where you are burned then can you start to grow, change and become better. Nevertheless, for as long as you wallow in that misery and enjoy being burned you become more and more entrenched in that misery.

Remember, I know you are better than that. You can make that change. Admit your shortcomings and start to work on them. Then and only then can you be better than you were yesterday.

On the positive side, I have been called a hero, a wise man, and have had people laugh with me. it is a great feeling knowing that you are respected for what you are and not for what others want you to be or where they would rather keep you, typically beneath them.

That is, unfortunately, more than others can say about themselves.

Be Strong. Be Fearless. Be Wise. Be Better Than You Were Yesterday!
