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Memorize Something – Day 12

Day 12 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


You remember cramming an entire semester’s worth of Political Science into one all-nighter the night before finals? Or when you crammed all the traffic signs and rules just before you took your driver’s license test. It was great when you passed but when you didn’t, well that’s a different story. Now you don’t have to cram. However, it is good to memorize something, especially as we get older. There is a general theory about maintaining good brain function into your old age and that’s to memorize at least one new thing every day. It helps to keep your memory sharp, your mind operating in top form, and you able to recall almost anything. Give it a shot, you might just learn something.

If you are not sure what to memorize, why not start off simple and small then work your way up to epic poems or quotes by notable philosophers, dignitaries, and a good joke or two. Still not sure how simple to start? OK, let me give you one suggestion; The Periodic Table of Elements.

Yep, memorize all 118 elements, their symbol, and what the symbol stands for, especially if the element and the symbol do not share any letters. Of course, I am not saying you should do all 118 in one day but do one a day. Start with H and end with Uuo and you are set for the next 118 days. It will be a lot of fun. FYI, my favorite is: Plumbum.

Get to memorizing.

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