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Daily Challenge for Monday January 30, 2017

MONDAY JANUARY 30, 2017 – You can only change yourself, so don’t fool yourself to believing you will transform your partner.

Sure, we can motivate others by our example, but expecting someone to lose ten pounds or change the way she deals with anger is not honoring who the other person is.

It’s also not a very effective strategy to get what you want. People grow when they feel an internal desire to make a shift. Being pressured to change may lead to temporary improvements, but it’s almost certain to give rise to feelings of resentment.

If you don’t like when your boyfriend has a short temper, change the way you react. Respond from a space of calm. When you shift your energy, the other person will automatically feel your new energy. People are motivated to behave differently by the example you lead, not the words you speak.

And if you’re feeling desperate for someone to change, ask yourself why you’re with someone who needs so much fixing?

What do you think about today’s Daily Challenge? Let me know by email [email protected] or on Twitter: @daveguerra

Thank you,
David Guerra