I know, I know, it does not matter what others think of you.
I 100% agree with you.
As a CURRENT or FUTURE LEADER your values are what you project. Your values are what others see and judge you by as a someone that is leading others now or want to lead others.
Face it, YOU will ALWAYS be known by & judged by the values you live by, the value others see and NOT the values you say you live by.
If your value system is nothing but a heaping pile of sewage & waste, well don’t be surprised when others shun you. Aside from others with the value system of a cesspool, who would want to be near you let along want to be led by you, now or in the future?
By working to improve on yourself by holding yourself accountable and taking responsibility for your actions then can you begin to improve your value system. Again, failing to continue to take responsibility or refuse to hold yourself accountable, people will less and less value you as a leader. Please KNOW that as the value diminishes so will your recognized ability to lead.
Once others can no longer see value in you as a leader, manager, or anyone that can accept any level of responsibility, and to recover from that admonishment you may never recover the level you once thought you deserved.
Start taking responsibility for your actions. Begin holding yourself accountable.
The sooner the better and it is NEVER too late to start.
I am David Guerra and I approve this message.