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Start A Conversation With Someone New – Day 5

Day 5 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


We have all seen YouTube videos of people falling off the sidewalk, into fountains, down stairs because their phones have all their attention. We have become a society that would rather interact with strangers on the small screen rather than look someone in the eye and say “Hello!” We continue to ignore the real world and live in the virtual world.

Of course, everyone is suspect of everyone else. The media and those Lifetime Movies of the Week have certainly changed the way we physically interact with other human beings. If Lifetime had it their way, ALL strangers are out to either steal our money, our spouses, our children or our very own lives. Don’t get me started on what the media has done to us.

Put that aside and the next time you are at the Coffee Shop, in line at Target, at the Bookstore, or anywhere that you might be or heck even right now. Look to the first person you see and start a conversation. Who knows you might just end up making a new friend and maybe change the way you feel about the real world by giving up just a little of the virtual world.

Hello, my name is Dave Guerra. How Are You?

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Think Positive! – Day 4

Day 4 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


For those that have been negative thinkers, this is probably one of the most difficult things to change. With a little practice, it should not be an issue.

Now don’t be fooled and I am not going to fool you…Negative Thinkers are a dime a dozen. I can look at my email contact list or my cell phone contact list and find at least two negative thinkers with the first few scrolls of the screen. I don’t surround myself solely with Negative Thinkers but they do creep into our lives because we need them and they need us: typically professionally but we also get them socially.

Don’t despair, negativity is essential to living. It keeps us grounded and helps us to not live with our head in the clouds. However, making negativity the only motivation in your life is not healthy. It is not good for your Blood Pressure as the stress of negativity will contribute to increasing it. It is not good for your weight as the only comfort you get is immediate when good tasting food becomes the only thing you feel you have control over that is good. Rest assured your ever increasing weight will start making you feel bad.

So how do you make the change to go from negative to neutral or to positive?

First, recognize that you have to have negativity in your life. Know that it does NOT have to consume you. Know that you can control it and that you can change the negative to positive (or at least to a neutral stance). Once you recognize that the negative is starting to creep in to your life, nip it! Nip it in the bud! In the bud, I say!
Seriously, if you want to be known for something other than being a “Negative Nelly” then it is time to change your thinking. It won’t be easy but it can be done and who knows, you might just end up surprising a few people.

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Get Plenty of Sleep – Day 3

Day 3 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


In DAY 2, I talked about the need to eat a good breakfast especially after the body has not had any nourishment for the time you were asleep which ideally is 8 hours. However, who has time for full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep?

Not very many of us can sleep, even if we wanted to, for 8 hours straight. My sleep time is closer to 7 hours and I know there are others that are less and others are more. That’s all well and good, however, what about those that get less especially when they know they need more? Imagine having an unhappy and unproductive life because you are constantly tired and sleepy and you know exactly why. Can you really succeed in life, love, and work if all you really want to do is rest?

I Just Have Too Many Things To Do Before I Can Go To Sleep?

Really? Did you really just say that to yourself? Do you really expect others to believe you? ALL OF US have the same 24 hours EVERY DAY! You, Me, The President, The Queen of England, Bill Gates, Your Next Door Neighbor, My Next Door Neighbor…ALL OF US!! Yet, some of us manage to either get it done or put it off until tomorrow morning. You have to make certain to put your duties aside (or at least get coverage) and get some sleep….some real sleep.

Of course, it is VERY SIMPLE to say “Get a good night’s sleep” but folks that is the only way. You have got to dig down deep and turn Letterman off after tonight’s Top 10 and get some sleep because 6 o’clock comes mighty fast if you fall asleep at 2.

What about the weekend?

Trust me on this, banking your sleep for the weekend is a VERY SAD mistake many people make. You cannot sleep four hours a night during the work week and expect to have your sleep quota refilled on Saturday and Sunday only to have it drained come Monday night. That type of Yo-Yo sleep habit does more harm than good. Sure, it’s a temporary fix but in the long run, it will have you right back where you were when you started out.

The ONLY permanent solution is to break down and GET YOUR REQUIRED hours of sleep. It may take a couple of weeks to find what your required hours of sleep are but once you find them you will be a much happier, more productive, and well rested individual.

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