Whether it be young age, lack of knowledge, not enough wisdom or whatever the reason may have been WE have ALL been fooled at least once in our lives. Typically, this happens when we are in childhood, when we are most naïve and vulnerable.
Being fooled by others is essential to making us the people we are today. On occasion we need to be fooled by others. You could say it is almost a rite of passage into adult life. Being fooled is part of how we as humans gain wisdom. It is also part of how we grow as human beings. It helps sharpen our senses of self-preservation and makes us more observant about everything around us. Being fooled helps to put us “on guard” for the unsuspected events in our future.
However, what is NOT a rite of passage is allowing ourselves to continually be fooled by others. It is plain and simple extrapolation: The more you continue to allow yourself to get fooled, the more your chances of getting fooled again and again increase.
Once the word gets out that you are an “easy target” because you continue to get fooled the more opportunistic individuals will not only come out of the woodwork but the more, they will try (and succeed) to fool you again.
Most times, no one knows when the next time they will be fooled will occur. However, there are tell-tale signs such as when an offer seems too good to be true or you are being offered an outrageous amount of money only after you pay a “processing fee” or better still the individual(s) that fooled you before comes back to do it again. All which you willingly allow.
Of course, if you recognize that a certain type of individual or situation is returning then understand that it is up to you to do something about it. Either stop the situation from escalating or move yourself out of that situation. Know that when you REFUSE to change the situation, you WILL end up getting fooled again. Then there is one person to blame (NOT the one that fooled you) but the blame rests 100% on YOU.
Remember to old adage, “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.”
Don’t get fooled again.
I am DAVID GUERRA and I said this.