Throughout our lives we have been told to do the right thing especially when no one is watching.
We should always do the RIGHT THING. While doing the right thing is always the right thing to do no matter if there is an audience or not.
There are far too many people that will do something good only when others are watching. Those people that seek an audience before doing the right thing do so for any number of reason and I can understand some of them.
Having an audience is proof that you did the right thing. I get that.
Having an audience can confirm that you did what you said you were going to do. I get that.
Having an audience watch you do the right thing for the applause, the accolades, that I do not get nor understand. While it is nice to be recognized for doing something nice, if that is the ONLY reason you do what you do then please check yourself.
By checking yourself, I mean check your SELF-RESPECT levels. I mean look deep inside yourself to see why you MUST have an audience.
Some individuals will demand to outsiders that they do NOT need an audience when doing what is RIGHT. Yet, they will either go out of their way to ensure someone “accidentally” sees them do the right thing and when no one is around to “accidentally” see them they try again later (at a more convenient time for the audience).
See, when the time comes to do the right there is no better time than present. However, being stuck in a mindset of “needing an audience” does nothing to improve the RESPECT you have for yourself. There are countless RIGHT THINGS BEING DONE on a daily basis that you will never hear about because those doing the RIGHT THING WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING do so because to them (and only them) it is the RIGHT THING TO DO!
I am David Guerra and I said this.