Welcome to 2021. COVID 19, New Year, New President, New Vice President, New vaccines, New You?
Again, welcome to 2021. It’s a new year and with that we hope new opportunities. New opportunities for success and growth and whatever else this new year will bring.
Yet, none of that is assured. What is assured and very well so guaranteed this change. If 2020 taught us anything it is that change can happen at the drop of a dime and more change will follow right. So why would 2021 be any different?
It will not be different. It will also be different. That’s what change does. So, expect 2021 to be full of change. Anyone and I do mean anyone who believes doing nothing different in 2021 is in for rude awakening. 2021 is already proven to be the year of change.
Sure, we’re still dealing with the fallout from last year. Yet, their sales so much more that’s coming because of that fallout. How we approach that change and how we deal with change will make all the difference. This is nothing new. I have been, for the longest time, making it battle cry to get people prepared for change. To realize that change is going to happen whether they like it or not.
Yet, year after year, month after month, and day after day it continues to fall on deaf ears and here, we find ourselves again. So, what is one more time? While there are some people that I would like to beat it into their thick skull but I cannot as that is called assault and the judicial system highly frowns upon that. So, here I go again.
As the title states when it comes to change you can either fight it or invite it or live beside it. There is nothing you can do about. Change is going to happen. So, of the three things I mentioned that you can do what you decide is up to you but ignoring it is not an option. Ignoring change is inviting the dark side to creep in. The dark side is no place for leaders, current or future leaders.
Fight it: by this I mean, you will have to fight it to the point that you get your results, your expected/anticipated results. By fighting change you will take control and have the power to direct its outcome in your favor. Fighting change means the results that occur all your results. You get to direct the outcome of the change. Failing to fight it means it’s happening and you are going to have to accept the end results.
Invite it: Inviting change means you are accepted the fact that change is coming and it’s going to happen. It does not mean you’re going to roll over and take it what it does mean; you are preparing for the generally accepted outcome. It also means that you recognize the need for change and the resistance usually associated with change will not come from you. You are ready to “roll with the punches” no matter how hard they hit.
Live Beside It: a living beside change does not mean that you’re rolling over and playing possum and allowing change to have its way with you. Living beside change means that you have accepted the fact that you are powerless to control, manipulate in any shape or form, change. Living beside change means you are prepared for the inevitable, no matter what that change is.
Now, the ball is in your court. You need to decide how you’re going to except and deal with change in 2021. I cannot do it for you, you have to do it for yourself.
There is a lot of work to do! Get to work!