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About Giving and Taking (Part 2)


Today’s Latin Phrase of the day is: QUID PRO QUO

“In common law, quid pro quo indicates that an item or a service has been traded in return for something of value, usually when the propriety or equity of the transaction is in question. A contract must involve consideration: that is, the exchange of something of value for something else of value.”

For example: You ask for something of value from me and I exchange it for something of equal value that’s fair. However, when I ask you for something of value and you choose not to exchange anything for it because you see NO value in what I offer then that is fair, as well. No transaction takes place.

Here is where it can get tricky: You ask for the exact same thing of value from me that I asked of you. That same item or action that you saw NO VALUE (because it was from me) yet you now give it value because it comes from you. How is that fair? It’s not. More than likely you will see it as being extremely unfair and in most cases, you will take it as a personal assault because the exchange will not take place. While many business transactions take place everyday an even greater amount do NOT take place because of the perceived lack of value from one or both sides of the transaction.

Life is just like this:
When you ask for something you must always be prepared to give something back. You ask for an apple be prepared to exchange an orange for it. Ask for a follow be prepared to follow back. As from me to do you a “solid” be prepared to do a “solid” for me. That’s how business works. You want a product or service then be prepared to pay for it. Yes, it is that simple!

Remember, FREE does not put food on my table, just like free does not put food on your table.

Now, if you have to think about what I just wrote then you are most certainly the one doing more of the taking and very little (if any) of the giving.

Thus ending the Latin and Modern Socioeconomic lesson for today.