***Please look at this week’s chart very carefully as things may not appear as they seem.
Low value individuals are easy to spot. They are the ones that are always blaming others for their misery. They are the ones ready to throw anyone under the bus and they do so quite often. Most of the time they are ready throw hands they moment someone even thinks about blaming them for something they actually did.
While no one actually likes being blamed for anything even if they are responsible. However, when individuals refuse to accept blame and then immediately pass the blame onto others are individuals that are not ready to lead. Blaming others is a childish thing to do. As adults who see no issue or concern with blaming others do so only because they have never been held accountable for their actions and for their lack of action.
By working at reducing the blaming of others and increasing the level of accepting the blame for your actions and inactions you will be working at improving your self-worth, your self-esteem, and most of all, your ability to become a person with high morals and scruples. When you can only blame yourself when you must, then are you ready to lead others.
While it is easy to start and easy to keep doing blaming others when you should be accepting the blame will never get you to where you want to go.
I am David Guerra and I said this.