While my views and opinions on politics are mine and I try not to OVERTLY cram it down anyone’s throat. This I try not to do because one; it is pointless to do so, two: I am write where others are wrong (then again, there are times when others are right and I am wrong).
There are times when politics needs to be mentioned. This is one of those times.
Today, is Friday, January 17, 2025, and on the other side of the weekend, the world will change, our lives will change. On Monday, while it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day it is also Inauguration Day here in the United States of America.
Everything changes. For good or bad, who knows as that is still unwritten.
1. The sooner you accept the fact that change cannot be stopped the sooner you can get on with accepting and dealing with any change that comes your way.
2. It falls solely on you to come to peace with the change that is happening around you. You cannot force or demand others to acquiesce. They are dealing with their own change(s).
3. Stick around, a new set of changes are coming fast.
As we venture in our journey of life, there are somethings that happen that are meant to set us free, while others are there to anchor us to the world we live in.
Like a ship that is docked, it has ropes that keep it tied to the pier. That way it does not drift away in the night. When the ship is ready to set sail the lines are cast off and soon, it is on a path to places over the horizon on a course set by the ship’s captain.
The anchor is attached to a chain and when the ship is ready to temporarily stop, it drops anchor. When it is time to move on, hoist the anchor, and soon back on course to places over the horizon. Do you see a pattern there? If not, that’s ok. I am going to explain it anyway.
Ships are built to head to the high seas. Ships are built to withstand rough seas. Ships are built to not only move from point A to point B but are also built to stay afloat, to stay above water. As a Self-Leader you are also built to keep moving. You are NOT built to stay docked at any port for too long. You are also not built to stay anchored anywhere for too long. What does that mean? It means that you are built to continue to grow, to develop, to become better than you are now.
While all this might sound like something I have said over and over before, it is because I have said it over and over. I believe in what I say. I stand by what I say. I have this passion for people to step up and be the leaders they know they can be and are. I stick to my passion because the message I share is that important.
Over the decades I have been on this planet, I have witnessed good and bad. Good things, Bad Things. Good People and Bad People. Though it would be easy to say that I have seen just about all there is to see when it comes to Good and Bad. I promise you I have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Of what I have witnessed, rest assured it still surprises me to the levels of Good and Bad people can and do go to.
That’s ok, I know that as a human being I am capable of going to those extremes. I opt out of that. No one is, no matter how much they try to kid themselves, no one is perfect. I am not perfect. Sure, people can claim they live a pious life but are they really? A pious person would never verbally proclaim their piety for a truly pious person lets their actions and behaviors do all the talking for them.
On the other hand, there are individuals that revel in their unabashed devious behavior. The boasting and bragging of their deceit are certainly not something to be proud of or to be used as a tool to make others fear them. The pious and the deceitful have one thing in common.
They have their chains and ropes tying them down. Tying them down to live the braggadocios life they have chosen to use as a facade to mask their inability to cast off their lines and hoist their anchor to live a life they can freely choose to live. While some may argue that the pious or the deceitful are living the life they choose but at what cost? This argument can quickly become a circular argument thus, I offer this advice or words of warning:
As we venture in our journey of life, while there is no set time to cast off the ropes and hoist your anchor. You will know when the time comes. Only you will know when the time comes to set yourself free, especially when there are others trying to anchor you down or keep you tied to the dock in the name of keeping you safe. The world is not a safe harbor. The world we live in has rough seas as well as smooth swells all of which you are more than capable of handling. Get to work!
It is now the middle of September 2024. In a few days FALL will officially begin and you know what that means! That’s right, the start of the 2024 HOLIDAY SEASON will be well underway. Pay no mind that our local Wal-Mart Supercenter already has their Christmas section in full effect. Sadly, almost as quickly as it starts, the holiday season is over. POOF! In an instant we sit with a new year ahead of us.
Another year with an empty calendar of 365 days and loaded with promises of better days. However, as reality starts to set in we recognize that there will be good times along with the bad. It is just life. That is why we must make the best of the time we have for life is very brief.. To make the best of the time we have, it is good to track our journey across the days, months, and years. It is good to look back at what life was like last year, three years ago, and even further back, if possible. However, we should journal to reflect and share emotions, actions, and events but we must not journal to linger on the past.
So, if you have not started journaling monthly, weekly, or ultimately daily, why not start now? I have been journaling through most of my adult life. I do wish I had caught the habit much sooner. In my youth I did log things but nothing formal or recurring or habitual. Nothing to the level or caliber I am doing now. That is OK as I have NO REGRETS.
Remember, no matter how hard we try, we cannot change the past. But we can change our future. Using the tools of the past we can build a better future. Not just for ourselves but for our legacy. Imagine the following situation:
Today, you have a sudden health scare. Nothing major but if left unchecked it can turn into something very debilitating. You look back on recent journal entries and you begin to spot a trend that led to the situation you find yourself in. Soon you take that information to your practitioner and your health is soon back on the right track. Now, fast forward two to three generations down the road, someone is reading your journal (someone will) and they soon discover they are on track to encounter the same health scare you once found yourself in. There is no guarantee it is the same thing that you had but, hey, genetics are funny that way.
Crisis Averted? Maybe! At least, what you journal today can help open someone’s eyes later or at best, save a life.
Again, just something to think about. There are countless possibilities and future uses for your journaling now. Who knows someone might just make a movie about your life. It has happened before. The thing is to get started. So, get started now. Seriously, what is stopping you? Nothing! Absolutely, nothing is stopping you.
There is no need for a dedicated journal, it helps though. Heck, even one of those black and white composition books will do as does some 3×5 index cards. Just do not forget to date your entries. As for the writing utensil, our great-grandparents had pencils, you can use a pencil. Remember, a BIC blue ink pen works just as well as a Waldmann Fountain Pen – Private Eye of Baker Street (Limited Edition) (MSRP $21,200.00USD). Leaving your mark on a piece of paper is all that matters.
Thanks for your time, David Guerra
P.S. Check out the link to the Waldmann Fountain Pen it will take you to the Goulet Pens website